Chapter 35 - Queen Victoria

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I dropped Taylor off this morning. She only had two hours from 10 to 12. I’d pick her up when she was done so she could help me at the apartment.

Linda and I started with the kitchen. We basically threw everything away. It was impressive the amount of food we had stocked without realizing it. The most disgusting was the fridge. I'd never leave fresh products untouched for a month ecer again. We had fun though. We did so many return trips from the apartment to the dumpster that I was going to drained from all these stairs. If I made it.

“Linda, I need to go get Taylor. You wanna stay here or come with me?”, I asked as I grabbed my keys and sunglasses from the table.

“I can stay and take care of Miss Lawson’s room while you’re out”, she offered.

“That would be great, that way she’ll help me with mine. I think we’re gonna stop for some takeout. You want something in particular?”, I asked while walking towards the door.

“Anything is fine, Miss. Just keep the check so I can pay you back”, she requested. I scoffed and waved my hand in the air. Nonsense.

“Don’t be ridiculous. See you later”, I said chuckling and left the apartment.

I took it easy in the stairs and focused on my breath more than ever. I reached the car and smirked in satisfaction. She'd let me take the Cayenne today. No need to explicit how thrilled I was about that. I just loved this car, I couldn't explain it. I arrived on campus rather quickly, I was even early. I parked near her building to try and make myself visible and checked the time. She'd be out in five minutes.

A flock of students walked out the doors so I focused to try and spot Taylor. She was right in the middle and laughing with a bunch of people. She was so cute. I saw her looking around in confusion. She took her phone out, shook her head, and typed a couple of times before bringing it to her ear, still looking at her surroundings. My phone went off and I hallucinated. I was right in front of her! I didn’t answer and started the car instead. I drove and stopped right in front of her and her classmates. I rolled down the window a little. They all started whistling as Taylor approached the car.

“What’s wrong with them?”, I asked sharply and looked around. Luckily for them, they couldn’t see my fuming eyes through the sunglasses.

“They’re just jealous because my extremely hot girlfriend is picking me up in a Porsche and they’re stuck with the bus!”, she yelled and opened the door. She turned around to look at them and they all laughed as she climbed in and closed the door.

“Come on Taylor, introduce us to your girl at least!”, a guy exclaimed as he came closer to the car, the others following him.

“No need”, I said seriously and rolled the window up.

They were all trying to look inside but they couldn’t see anything because of the tinted windows. Taylor looked at me and flashed me her biggest grin. She reached for my sunglasses and slid them on the top of my head before cupping my face gently.

“Hi baby”, she said softly and laid her lips on mine lovingly. I immediately forgot about anything else and got stuck in our bubble. She pulled away and gave me her intense look that made me weak, just like every time.

“Hey”, I whispered.

“Sorry about that, they’re real assholes sometimes”, she said and released my face to sit straight.

“Yeah, I noticed”, I mumbled and put my sunglasses back on before driving.

“How is the sorting going so far?”, she asked as she leaned on her side to face me.

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