Chapter 46 - Elizabeth

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Something pleasant was moving on my chest but I was extremely tired so it was annoying me. I tried rolling on my side to chase it away but I was stuck. This was so frustrating! I managed to put my arm over my eyes so it was a good thing, I could go back into my peaceful bubble.

Why was my arm moving now? I hadn't asked it to move as far as I knew. And it didn't want to come back on top of that. I didn't want to wake up for Christ's sake! I was drained. I'd take a glimpse and adapt to the situation. I opened my eyes slowly to see what was disrupting my sleep and was welcomed by a beaming and very naked Taylor, lying between my legs and pinning my arm above my head.

"I'm so tired", I whispered faintly. Taylor released my arm as a worried expression covered her pretty face.

"You shouldn't be", she whispered and cupped my cheeks lovingly while studying my face.

"Can I sleep more?", I asked weakly and felt my eyes getting heavy.

"Of course, baby. I'll be right here when you wake up, okay?", she said above a whisper and kissed the corner of my lips, helping me relax and drift back to sleep.

I was feeling much better. When I woke up this time I didn't feel this emptiness in my limbs. I wasn't in the same position as before though. I was lying on my stomach with my head nestled against Taylor's pillow. It smelled just like her, divine and so addictive. I felt a soft hand touching my back. My body became all tingly, knowing it was Taylor, and I couldn't help but smile. I rolled on my back all happy but frowned at the sight of Taylor's worried expression. She was all dressed already. I wondered what time it was.

"Are you still tired?", she asked softly.

"I'm fine", I croaked and smiled brightly, seeing how pretty she was in this outfit.

"Okay", she whispered and climbed on top of me to snuggle.

"What time is it?", I asked in my terrific morning voice and held Taylor tightly against me.

"2pm", she said softly and my eyes widened at that.

"When did you get up?", I asked in a whisper to avoid piercing her eardrum.

"10am", she mumbled and started caressing my chest delicately.

"I'm so sorry, Tay", I whispered.

"Don't worry, we all get it", she said reassuringly.

"What do you want us to do?", I asked in my raspy voice.

"Everybody left for the beach already except the girls. Either we stay here at the pool with them or we can join the others."

"We'll just ask them", I whispered and wrapped my legs around Taylor's waist to squeeze her tightly. She found very amusing based on her cute giggles.

After I took a quick shower, my stomach started to scream from hunger. Taylor thought it would be safer if I wore the black one piece swimsuit instead of my bikini. She applied sunscreen on my arm before covering it, which didn't change the rendering. She insisted on covering the scar on my back too, just to be sure, so I let her do it. I didn't apply makeup since it wasn't necessary with the activities of the day and tied my hair in a ponytail. I put on jeans shorts, a white tank top, my flip flops, and grabbed my sunglasses and phone. Then I backed Taylor against the wall for a quick makeout session and was all set to start our day.

I had to stop in the stairs, which worried Taylor even more, but I assured her I was okay. We went to the kitchen to find me something to eat. I made myself a plate with leftovers from last night and got settled outside where the girls were already comfortable.

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