Chapter 33 - Carrot

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After taking a shower, we started preparing Taylor's mini buffet. Johanna and Alicia were observing us and Taylor was having a blast. She was just peeling carrots but she was enjoying it. Johanna was FaceTiming Jen to show her.

"I'm really glad you're having your sister over, Taylor", Jen said.

"It wasn't my idea you know. Ash suggested it."

"And you agreed, so you're a part of it too."

"If you say so", Taylor muttered, focusing on her carrots.

"I'm sorry but I need to go. I'm running late and your father is being cranky. Enjoy your night, girls. Bye!"

"Bye", we all said in unison before Johanna hung up.

Taylor was very meticulous with cutting her raw vegetables so I took care of preparing what needed to be cooked. We agreed to make a quiche and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. Once the quiche in the oven, I prepared the smoked salmon canapes before cleaning a little. I helped Taylor with her vegetables and took everything out of the oven. We organized everything on plates and bowls and brought them to the coffee table in the living room.

Taylor switched on the TV. They were already talking about the gala, showing the red carpet with the masses of paparazzi stacked on both sides of it, ready to snap at the slightest movement. We even caught a glimpse of the palace. It was spectacular.

"Mom is gonna have one hell of a headache tomorrow", Johanna snickered.

"For sure", Alicia nodded between two bites.

Taylor was devouring everything in sight, which made me a little worried since she proved to get easily sick when she overindulged in eating. I put my hand on her thigh, making her look at me.

"What do you think of the food?", I asked her nicely.

"It's delicious. Your quiche is to die for", she answered and shoved a huge piece in her mouth.

"I'm glad you like it baby, but maybe you should take it easy. I don't want you to get sick again", I said softly as I stroked her inner thigh. She nodded and drank some water before leaning back on the couch. She looked at me with her cute smile.

"Thanks for all this", she whispered while sliding her hand in mine.

"It's not me, Tay. We organized this together", I said, playing with her fingers. She grinned broadly and looked at me with her proud expression, making me smile lovingly.

"It's starting", Alicia informed us.

We all turned our attention to the screen and Johanna turned the volume up to hear what the broadcaster said. As expected the main topic was Nick, and indirectly Jen. A limousine stopped in front of the carpet but Taylor said it wasn't theirs. I hallucinated when I saw all these celebrities and powerful people succeeding each other. What was even more surreal was that they were faces we only saw in movies and TV shows, but Jen and Nick saw them all the time. They all belonged to the same circle of friends and acquaintances.

A white limo approached the carpet and Taylor went crazy. The broadcaster was almost yelling, announcing Nick and Jen's arrival. Flashes were already showering the car in order not to miss a single second.It was insane to witness the paparazzi's wildness just to have the most perfect shot of each of them. Taylor and Alicia were bouncing and fridgetting. The chauffeur made his way around the car and opened the door in a swift move. Nick got out first and extended his hand to help Jen.

"Oh my god they're so beautiful!", Alicia exclaimed while wrapping her arms around Johanna's shoulders.

"Their outfits are amazing", Taylor said proudly.

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