Chapter 27 - Five steps

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I was certain that Taylor would have been down and beaten herself up for what had happened but I was kind of wrong. I didn't know what Jen had told her, I didn't know what was going on in her mind and I didn't want to. What mattered was that Taylor had been a true angel.

After the cops took pictures of my neck, Monroe suggested that I saw a doctor to have it checked. Obviously, the first thing Taylor did when the officers left the house was to call one to make him come here and examine me. The verdict was that Joe had damaged my larynx and trachea, causing respiratory and speaking troubles. He gave me an ointment for the bruises Joe had left and explained to me how and what to eat or drink. The doctor said that it would take me two weeks to recover. In the meantime, he specifically forbade me to have any kind of physical activity. Sex included.

How could I put this?

It had been two weeks of pure torture. For a whole week, we were unable to kiss for too long without me suffocating. We tried to have sex, obviously, but the experience wasn't successful at all. Fortunately, I was starting to note improvement.

Taylor had taken care of applying ointment on my bruises twice a day even though I had told her I could do it on my own. She refused categorically. Now the marks were almost gone which was a huge relief. I took advantage of the bruises to show her how to cover them with makeup. She was baffled to see that it was something I had done everyday for a year.

I was physically kind of better. I could now go up and down the stairs without losing my balance but I still needed to use the railing and stop every couple of steps to catch my breath. I was still too weak. I could also drink normal mouthfuls of water and I could eat as usual again. Only spices and sour food were still forbidden. It burned.

Since the incident, we'd been staying at Taylor's house because she didn't want me to ever be alone, especially now that she was back to college after spending a week at home. Speaking of classes, I hadn't gone back. The doctor had told me to stay home until I felt better. He contacted the university to inform them of my 'health condition' and asked for the teachers to send me the work. Which they did. It helped me stay focused and I was able to study from home peacefully.

Right now I was studying on the terrace. I was growing tired of this. I wanted to move and go out. I checked the time. 10am. Taylor was probably on her coffee break by now. I called her. It rang twice before she answered.

"Hi babe!", she said cheerfully. I could hear the smile in her voice, it was so cute.

"Hey, am I disturbing you?", I asked sheepishly.

"Not at all, I'm on coffee break with the others. Everything okay? Do you need me to come home?", she asked in a worried tone. Called it.

"I'm fine Tay, don't worry. I just wanted to ask you something...", I trailed off. I really hoped she wouldn't get mad or too worried.

"What is it?"

"Hum... Do you think I could take the car?", I asked while crossing my fingers.

"Why? Are you sure you're ready to drive, Ash? Where do you even want to go? If you need something you can just tell me and I'll take care of it", she reeled off. I couldn't tell her it was to grab her anniversary gift, so I needed to be inventive.

"I just want to clear my head from uni work. And I haven't stepped out of the house in so long, Tay. I thought I could drop by the apartment and come back, you know...", I explained in a saddened voice. I heard her sigh.

"Well, you know where the keys are", she muttered. I bounced excitedly on my seat and closed my laptop.

"I'll be careful baby, I promise", I said softly and smiled as I pictured her face right now. She must be fidgeting and biting the inside of her cheek in worry.

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