Chapter 30 - Waltzing

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Taylor refused to get ready in the same room as me. She kicked me out, locked the door, and told me to get ready in 'my' room and to be downstairs at 7pm. So I was in 'my' bathroom applying the final touches of my makeup that I meticulously matched to the outfit Taylor had prepared for me on the bed.

Then, I got dressed, sprayed some of my mom's perfume, and took a last glance in the mirror. This dress was insane. I'd never worn anything like this but it was really nice. It matched perfectly with the Louboutins Taylor had bought me last time. I loved the sexy notes of this piece. If she'd picked this for me, than I'd better be ready for a masterpiece when I'd see her.

I gathered all my stuff to take them back to Taylor's room and made my way down the stairs slowly. Her door was open so I got in to put everything away. Her fragrance was invading the whole space and it made my insides all tingly. I picked a purse that matched my outfit and grabbed Taylor's gift from my compartment. I also took my phone, my lipstick and my arm kit just in case.

I took a deep breath and exited the room quietly, wondering what she had planned for us. I took my time in the stairs but still felt short of breath so I went to the kitchen to drink some water. I took a sip. I ignored why but it wouldn't get past. I coughed everything out and grabbed the counter as my throat was fucking killing me. It didn't make any sense, I'd been feeling better lately.

I managed to sort of catch my breath so I wiped the counter and rinced my glass. I walked back to the entrance but stopped dead in my tracks when I caught sight of Taylor. She was literally breathtaking. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought it was going to explode. I was dumbstruck in front of so much beauty and sexiness. Our eyes met and everything inside me started screaming. God, what she did to me.

She grinned brightly and approached me in all her natural grace. I took in her features and she was so beautiful that even my core awakened. She stopped in front of me and kissed my cheek, bringing a smile to my face.

"You look breathtaking", she whispered, looking at me with this intense gaze that made me melt every time.

"You're ravishing, Taylor", I said hoarsely and covered my mouth as I started coughing. Not now! I felt her hand rubbing my back so I focused on her touch to try and calm down.

"Do you need some water?", she asked softly. I opened my eyes and shook my head no as my breathing got back to normal.

"Let's just go", I croaked out.

She frowned worriedly but nodded nonetheless and wrapped her arm around my waist. I kissed her cheek and followed her. When she opened the door, a chauffeur was waiting for us next to his huge limo. Was she for real?

"You didn't have to get a limo, Tay", I said in a low timid voice.

"I just borrowed it from my parents", she said and rested her hand on my lower back as we walked towards the car. The chauffeur opened the door and I got in first.

"Oh, and the ludicrous champagne was included in the loan?", I asked skeptically as I sat down and watched Taylor as she took a sit next to me.

"As a matter of fact, yes. My dad's gift for us", she reached for the bottle to read the label.

"This is really nice of him", I said smiling. It warmed my heart to know that Taylor's family was supporting us.

The drive wasn't that long. Taylor served us champagne and I could strangely drink it without any problem. This throat was a mystery. It worked as often as not and tolerated champagne more than water. Unbelievable. When I stepped out of the limo, I gasped at the sight in front of me. Was she out of her mind? I felt Taylor's hand sliding in mine so I looked at her with wide eyes.

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