Chapter 12 - Saint Laurent

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A beeping sound woke me up from my amazing sleep but two reasons put a smile on my face. First, I could still feel Taylor's hands and kisses all over my skin from last night. Second, I was about to leave for an amazing last-minute vacation with my lovely girlfriend.

I stretched and turned to look at Taylor. She was so beautiful. She was lying on her back with one arm above her head and the other on her stomach. The sheets covered half of her breasts and one of her legs was sticking out. I reached over her to turn off her phone and grabbed mine. I stood up on the bed and took a picture of her from above. My eyes widened at the result. It actually looked really good. As the sun was barely peaking, the light was dim and the lines of her face were highlighted. I defined it for her contact and put the phone away. It was time to wake up my sleeping beauty.

I kneeled down and carefully sat on her stomach. After pushing her hair aside, I dropped light kisses on her neck and went down to her collarbones before reaching the top of her breasts. I traveled back up until I kissed her lips softly. I felt them twitch. I kissed her again and this time she groaned and shifted her head. I laughed and took her face in my hand, guided it towards me and kissed her harder.

"Taylor", I called in a whisper.

"Mmmh", she groaned.

"You need to wake up", I said and pecked her lips one more time.

"Ash, it's too early for that", she whispered, making me crack up.

"Come on babe. We're going to Puerto Rico so get your ass up", I told her firmly. Her eyes opened slowly. She smiled when she saw my naked body over hers.

"I'm up", she whispered.

"Great. Now go take a shower and I'll use the bathroom down the hall", I said before pecking her cheek and getting up.

I left the room and went to the bathroom a few doors further. I stepped into the shower and enjoyed the feeling of warm water over my body. It was really relaxing. I got out and my eyes widened when I realized I hadn't brought any towel with me. And I had come here completely naked so I couldn't even dry or hide myself with clothes.

I cracked the door open and heard footsteps in the stairs. Fuck! I opened the door and ran fast toward Taylor's room. I barged in and quickly slammed the door behind me. I sighed in relief and heard a fist of giggles coming from the other side of the room. I turned around and Taylor was standing in her underwear laughing her ass off.

"Ah ah ah very funny", I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes before making my way to Taylor's bathroom.

I took her towel to dry myself up and wrapped it around my chest before making my way to her closet to choose my outfit. I decided to wear something casual and comfortable. I went for jeans, a gray hoodie and white Converse. I heard Taylor's voice approaching so I spun my head towards the entrance of the room while I buttonned my jeans. Well, her jeans. She finally came in fully dressed with her phone glued to her ear.

"No Joe, I specifically told you to prepare the Audi not my Range..", she said firmly. "Because MY Range is not the service car for God's sake so you put MY car back where it belongs and you do with the car I so generously lend you!", she shouted before hanging up with a loud grunt. I was gaping at the scene in front of me.

"Incompetent asshole", she mumbled before tossing the phone on the couch. She turned towards me in fury. "That son of a bitch thought he could use my car as a merry-go-round. I'm telling you Ash he better not touch it while we're gone or I'll fire his ass and make sure he doesn't find a job again!", she rambled before grabbing her phone and bringing it to her ear.

"Hi Mom... Yes I'm good, thanks. Look I need to ask for a favor... I'm going away for a few days and I wanted to know if you could keep an eye on the house for me...", she spun around and looked at me. "Baby, when are we coming back?", she asked.

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