Chapter 64 - Love ring

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"You look radiant, honey", Jen said arboring a huge grin and looked at Taylor from head to toe in admiration.

"I'm just extremely happy", she said in her cute voice and took her mother in her arms to hug her warmly. Jen's eyes widened in astonishment but she still hugged Taylor back and waited for her to decide when they needed to break it.

After having orgasmed three times and eaten like an elephant, she could be happy and radiant.

"It looks like your trip really did you good", Jen said kindly as they pulled away.

"I had the best time", Taylor said excitedly and walked ahead of us to head to the living room. Jen turned to me with a lost expression.

"Did you trade my daughter for her angel twin?", she asked raising her eyebrows in confusion.

"No, this is your daughter", I said chuckling amusedly.

"Ashley!", Taylor yelled from the other side of the house.

"There she is", Jen said rolling her eyes and I couldn't help but laugh at her expression.

We both made our way further into the house in look for Taylor and found her half-lying on the couch. Someone wanted to chill. Probably the after-sex tiredness. I set my bag on the table and approached the couch discreetly.

"You called me?", I asked softly which seemed to have startled her a little.

"Baby, come here", she whispered and opened her arms so I rolled over the backrest and landed on the couch with my head on Taylor's lap.

"Hi", I said with a proud grin.

"Where is she?", Alicia's voice resonated from afar.

"Certainly with Taylor", Jen answered in a casual tone.

"I missed you", Taylor whispered as she brought her hand to my head to massage my scalp.

"How can you miss me in thirty seconds?", I asked raising my eyebrows amusedly.

"I miss you in one second", she said with a bright smile.

"Stop", I whined and hid my face against her belly as I felt it growing red. I hated blushing.

"She's not here either!", Alicia exclaimed frustratingly. From the proximity of her voice I figured that she'd just entered the living room.

"She is but she's hiding", Taylor said in a cute teasing tone as she caressed my head tenderly. I groaned in discontent. She was so fucking intimidating sometimes.

"Ashley!", Alicia called excitedly. Next thing I knew, a weight crashed on top of me, making me huff in surprise.

"My couch, young lady!", Jen scolded furiously in her motherly authoritative tone. I spun my head and giggled at the sight of Alicia's ecstatic face.

"Hey you", I greeted softly and opened my arms to welcome her in a warm embrace.

"I need to tell you a lot of things", she whispered next to my ear and pulled away to sit up on my legs.

"We'll get to it then", I said chuckling and looked at my gorgeous girlfriend who had a little frown on her usually so beaming face.

"Are you all down for a little snack?", Jen asked as she sat down on the couch with us.

"Sure", Taylor said softly and started again with her hands movements on my head. I preferred that.

"Where's the dog?", I asked in a saddened tone.

"Cuddled up against Johanna", Jen said shrugging and bent over to grab the TV remote from the coffee table.

"You should get a dog, Ash", Alicia said excitedly.

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