Chapter 4 - So worth it

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I was starting to worry. I'd been sitting on the couch for a good hour and Taylor was still outside. She had every right to be mad at me but she had to at least acknowledge that I'd just put my life into her hands. Literally.

"What else have you been lying about?", her voice startled me. I spun around to see her standing at the doorway. I patted the spot next to me and waited for her to join me on the couch. She sat on her side to face me and rested her head on the backrest.

"With everyone else I lie about everything. But with you I'm not pretending. You're the only one who knows about all of this", I said softly.

"So you really like pineapple and dogs?", she asked in a small voice. I laughed loudly. I thought she was going to strangle me but here she was asking about fruit and animals.

"Yeah I do. With someone else I would have answered cherry and rabbit", I giggled.

"But you hate those", she narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"My point exactly. You know the true me. The others they just know the manufactured Ashley", I said with a shrug.

I didn't know how she felt about all of this. Perhaps she was going to have second thoughts about me or she wouldn't be able to trust me anymore. But I couldn't let her go away. I needed to convince her that I was sincere and trustworthy.

"Look Taylor, I know that you probably hate me for lying to you about this but I wish you can understand where I come from. I've been hiding myself for a year now and of all the people I met, you're the only one who saw the real me. I'm literally trusting you with my life right now. I'll give you all the time you need to process all of this but you have to promise you'll come back to me. Please", at this point I was crying.

I thought about her leaving. I thought about her hating me and never speaking to me again. It would destroy me.

Her delicate fingers lifted my chin and made me look into her mesmerizing eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere Ash. I'm staying right here and you're not going to push me away by any means. Do you understand me?"

I'd never seen her this serious before. I didn't quite get it. She had stayed alone outside for a whole hour and now she was telling me not to give her space or time.

"You don't hate me?", my voice was raspy and my makeup probably ruined.

"I could never hate you for trying to protect yourself", she said with a smile plastered on her face. "You're so brave and strong. I feel privileged that you decided to share this piece of your life with me. And I swear to you, I will never break your trust."

I felt a weight leaving my shoulders. She didn't hate me. This was a miracle. How was she so understanding? The Taylor Lawson that I liked knew about my deepest secret and didn't hate me. I couldn't contain my emotions. I was sobbing but not because I was sad. These tears showed how relieved I was to know that Taylor was still here and still wanted me.

She didn't say anything after that. She just wrapped her arms around my neck and held me tightly against her. I closed my eyes and thanked whoever was up there for giving me the honor of having Taylor in my life. Taylor held me for what felt like two hours, her heading perfume comforting my sadness and soothing me.

When I finally calmed down, I looked up to meet her deep blue eyes that I admired so much and thanked her. She just nodded and smiled at me while pushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"So what do I have to call you?", she asked softly, making me scoff in amusement.

"Whatever you're more comfortable with. As long as you don't scream my real name in public that is."

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