Chapter 54 - Reconnect

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The girls ended up spending the night here. I woke up very early. I basically didn't sleep because of some lingering, troubling thoughts. I took a shower and went downstairs where Linda was already preparing breakfast for everyone.

Things were tense between Johanna and I but I hadn't said a word to Taylor about our heated conversation in the car. It shouldn't take long for her to figure it out considering my expertise in hiding things from her. Note the sarcasm.

"Good morning, Miss Roberts", Linda greeted enthusiastically, but it was too early for so much excitement.

"Are you ever tired?", I asked in my raspy voice and sat down on a stool to watch her running around the kitchen.

"Mostly at night but other than that, no", she said shrugging and my eyebrows shot up in admiration for this woman.

"How did the water park go?", I asked softly and smiled, imagining Eduardo on a water slide. Not credible at all.

"Gloria was over the moon and asked if we could all go together one day", she said chuckling.

"You could go today", I offered but Linda sighed, uncertainty written all over her face.

"It's not really the right time. I've been feeling a little down lately and I need to help you prepare your trip. On top of that, the shelf company is coming in a few days so I can't fall behind on if I want to keep an eye on the workers", she rattled out panickingly.

"Breathe!", I instructed, completely taken aback by her agitated state.

"Sorry", she mumbled and cleared her throat. All of a sudden, she turned white and cursed under her breath as she bolted out.

I stood up and followed her, only to see her entering the bathroom and emptying her guts in the toilet. I quickly knelt down beside her and stroked her back softly to try and soothe her a little. I'd never seen her that sick. Or sick at all for that matter. When she was catching her breath, I opened the closet to prepare her a toothbrush and a glass of water which she gladly accepted.

"You should go home", I said in a low voice and frowned worriedly when I saw her shaking her head categorically. She rinsed her mouth and threw the toothbrush away before facing me again.

"It won't arrange my situation, trust me", she said weakly and leaned against the counter as she closed her eyes to focus on her breathing.

"Yes, it will. Your husband can take care of you and you'll get some rest for the next two days."

"It won't be gone in two days", she whispered and opened her eyes to look at me. It was different. It was meaningful.

"What's going on?", I asked worriedly and went to close the door before regaining my previous spot.

Linda stayed quiet for a long moment. She was looking at me unmoving, as if struggling with something in her head. Was she sick? No, that couldn't be. She was still so young.

"I haven't told anyone yet, not even my husband", she said in a low and timid voice.

"Okay", I said trailing off, not knowing what else to do.

"I'm pregnant", she whispered. At that moment, we both started crying but we couldn't say a word.

I was so happy for her that the tears were flowing out on their own. I wasn't expecting that at all but these news were so precious, especially if I was the first one to know about this. Linda was pregnant!

"Oh my god", I squealed in realization and wrapped my arms tightly around her shoulders as we both kept crying like rivers.

"I can't believe it myself", she confessed against my ear in a whisper.

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