Chapter 21 - Little rat

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The plane had taken off half an hour ago. I was planning on sleeping since we had stayed at the beach until 1am and take off was at 4. Obviously, Taylor had different plans.

"Ash, I'm bored", she groaned.

"You're not tired?", I asked groggily.

"Not really, which is weird if you ask me. I just don't feel like sleeping right now", she said while positioning her body to face me.

"What do you want to do then?", I asked yawning and closed my eyes.

"I don't know, that's the problem", she said. I felt her head on my shoulder so I shifted mine until my chin touched her forehead, allowing me to drop a light kiss on the top of her head.

"Read a magazine or a book", I suggested.

"I don't have any", she whined.

"I don't know, Tay", I said and yawned again.

"I wanna do something with you though", she said seriously.

"Okay", I whispered, waiting for her to find what she wanted to do. I was really tired but I couldn't let Taylor twiddle her thumbs for the whole flight.

"We can watch a movie. Maybe it will make me fall asleep", she offered.

"Alright. Which one?", I asked, moving my head to let her choose the movie. Hopefully she had good ones in her iPad, otherwise it'd be a very long journey.

"Nemo!", she squealed. That was quick.

"Great", I said before opening my eyes.

Taylor made me move so she could set the iPad on the window seat. She allowed me to straddle her to snuggle so I didn't miss out on the offer. Between my tiredness, my comfortable position, and Taylor's soft strokes on my back, I fell asleep before Nemo's mom died.

Why was I shaking?

"Ma'am, you need to wake up", I heard from behind me. I opened my eyes and breathed Taylor in before leaning back and looking at whomever was talking to me.

"You gotta be kidding me", I grunted when I came face to face with the Fashion Devil, as Taylor had baptized her. The stewardess' eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor when she saw it was us.

"Hum.. Sorry.. It's just that.. hum.. landing is in twenty minutes so you need to regain your own seat", she said stuttering.

"Okay. Leave now", I said before rolling my eyes and turning my attention on Taylor.

She looked so beautiful and peaceful. It was a shame that I had to interrupt her beauty sleep. I removed our earbuds and put the iPad away in her bag. I heard Taylor groaning while her hands gripped my hoodie firmly. Someone wasn't happy that I was moving apparently. I started dropping light kisses around her face and placed my hands on each side of her neck.

"Taylor", I called softly.

"Mmm", she groaned turning her head. I kissed my way to her ear and stroked her jawline gently.

"Baby", I sang in her ear.

"Ash, stop", she said groggily and slid her hands under my hoodie to caress my bare back.

"You need to wake up", I whispered and kissed the spot under her ear before pulling away to look at her but she had her eyes closed.

"Why?", she asked turning her head again.

"Because we're landing soon", I said softly and kissed the corner of her lips. A little smile appeared on her angelic face, showing me she would be fully up soon. Her eyes fluttered open and immediately fixed upon me. I smiled and kissed her cheek lovingly.

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