Chapter 24 - Poor Maurice

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Back to reality. Back to my apartment. After having lived the dream life with Taylor for the past four months, it was time to go back to college. It felt so weird. When the alarm went off this morning, I told Taylor that being dead would be less painful and that maybe the grave could come in handy. She didn't find it really funny though.

We both started at 8 but Taylor finished at 1pm while I had a lecture until 2pm. She said she would wait for me, that way we could carpool. I wouldn't have to walk back home for the first time ever. I prepared breakfast for her which lightened her mood tremendously and made me win an amazing makeout session in the backseat. We had some time to spare and her windows were tinted. May as well take advantage of the opportunity.

"How am I supposed to stay away from you for a whole day?", Taylor asked with a frown.

"It feels awful", I whispered weakly.

She leaned down and kissed me slowly while I stroked her jawline. She pulled away and slid down to rest her head in the crook of my neck. She took a deep breath and traced my collarbone with her fingertips. I closed my eyes to enjoy the little time we had left for us before we needed to go. I felt her dropping light kisses on my neck and collarbone and I grinned at the feeling of my erupting butterflies. Taylor's phone rang. She groaned in frustration while she took it out of her back pocket.

"What?", she snapped without even looking at the screen to see who was calling her. "Why? What time is it? ... I'll be there in five minutes", she said lazily and hung up. She sighed and sat up angrily.

"You okay?", I asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, I just didn't realize it would be this hard", she said with a tight smile.

"Look at the bright side, you'll get to see your friends", I said enthusiastically.

She rolled her eyes and reached for her bag in the front seat. She grabbed mine too and we got out quietly. She locked the car and we started walking in the direction of the buildings. Hers was next to mine, which was convenient. At least we wouldn't have to cross the whole campus to find each other.

"You got everything? Your computer? Your phone? Water?", she asked while looking inside my bag and checking my outfit.

"Yes babe, don't worry", I said chuckling. She looked like a worried mom.

"You text me if you're bored or if you need to go", she said seriously.

I nodded and grabbed her neck to bring her lips on mine. She smiled in the kiss so I pulled away and bit her lip playfully. She giggled and looked at me with her usual intense gaze, making me melt on the spot.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look in this outfit?", she asked grabbing my waist. I smiled sheepishly and looked down to cover my suddenly really hot face. Taylor laughed so I looked back at her, making her kissed my cheek lovingly. "Have a good day baby", she mumbled against my cheek and kissed me repeatedly.

"Thanks love. Good luck", I said smiling and pecked her lips one more time before releasing her neck and letting her go.

She smiled and spun around to walk towards her building. I checked the time on my phone and quickly turned around to head to the lecture theater. The first lectures were generally boring but it would be a shame to get there late. I arrived just when the other students were going in. Perfect timing. I claimed my usual spot, the one at the top right corner. No one sat there since it was the farthest from the board but I loved it. I had a whole space for myself, no one to bother me, and I could truly focus on the lecture. Or not. The nearest student was three rows before me so I should have some peace.

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