Chapter 14 - Boo-boo

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Taylor and I were lying on our backs, laughing our asses off as we watched animal videos on an Instagram page that we had found by accident.

"Anw look how cute this one is", she said while showing me a Corgi puppy who was rolling himself in a blanket like a spring roll.

"Yeah but they get fat and ugly when they grow up", I said laughing. She pinched my hip and glanced at me playfully. "It hurts", I whined and pouted while I rubbed my side. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Can you show me now?", she asked impatiently.

"Search my name", I said softly. She squealed in victory and typed my name. At the sight of the results, I squinted my eyes and focused hard to see if one of the little bubbles reminded me of anything. Nothing. "Just check the first profile and we'll go from there", I told her. We checked the first ten ones but they weren't mine. She clicked on the next one and my eyes widened. "Tay that's the one!", I exclaimed. She looked at me but turned serious all of a sudden.

"Ash, you're sure about this?", she asked.

"I thought you wanted to see my old life", I said with a shrug.

"I do but I don't want you to feel pressured into this if you're not ready", she said softly. This woman was too nice for this world.

"I'll be fine as long as you don't leave my side", I reassured her with a smile.

"Let's see what you've got in stock for me Brooklyn Harris", she said, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly. She unlocked her phone, displaying my old profile. She scrolled down and stopped at first picture of me in my cheerleader outfit. "Oh my god! That's you?", Taylor asked completely shocked.

"Yep", I said chuckling, "This is weird."

"You look really good. Please tell me you still have this outfit with you" she said before biting her lip.

"What if I do?", I asked innocently. Her eyes widened and she looked at me beaming.

"You definitely have to show me", she said all excited before scrolling to the next picture. I was on a little podium branding a trophy. A huge crowd of students surrounded me and raised their fists in my direction. "Popular much?", she asked while raising her eyebrows.

"It was the day my team won the state competition", I explained.

She nodded and scrolled down. It was a picture of Lisa and I in our swimsuits. I had my arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind while she held my forearms. I remembered that day and the fun we'd had together. I would never forget the way Lisa used to cling to me every time I'd try to teach her how to swim. That specific day, we tried breaststroke and she had managed to swim on her own for ten seconds. It was a miracle that we immortalized with this picture.

Taylor looked at me with fuming and hurtful eyes, and I knew what she was going to ask. She was worried about me having left someone behind in Portland.

"Babe, it's Lisa", I said softly and smiled at her. Her face softened instantly and she turned back to the phone to scroll down. The next post was a video of me doing tricks in Lisa's backyard.

"Wow that's impressive!", she exclaimed. "You need to do a private show for me."

I laughed and kissed her shoulder before looking back at the phone. The next picture was me in a burgundy dress. My hair and makeup were on point and I was smiling broadly at the camera. It was for Lisa's birthday party. My smile looked so forced though.

"Damn Ash. I can't believe that's you", Taylor said agape

"Did I look better back then?", I asked teasingly. She looked at me and smiled.

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