Chapter 37 - Missing witness

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I woke up at 9:30 this morning and by the time I showered and got dressed, Taylor had already gotten back from college. She hadn't eaten anything before leaving so she shared breakfast with me in the bubble. Taylor looked different. I mean, she was always happy and radiant and beautiful but there was something in her that shone more than ever. And it was breathtaking.

"Babe please don't start dreaming, we're talking about your birthday here. It's important", Taylor said in her serious tone.

"But you're so gorgeous", I said sweetly and flashed her a big grin. Her face softened and she looked away with a huge smile on her pretty face.

"Thank you", she mumbled and looked back at me with her famous intense gaze.

"What changed?", I blurted out and saw her scrunching her nose in confusion.

"I don't think I understand the question", she said shaking her head.

"Something happened in the past few days. You're different, but in good. Not that you weren't great before. You just shine more. This is ridiculous, sorry. Forget I said anything", I rattled off and leaned back against the backrest, folding my arms.

"I don't know if I shine or not, but I'm happier than last week for sure", she said softly. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and looked back at her.

"How?", I asked.

"I watched you doing your tricks last time and I know you've been spending time at the gym downstairs."

"And that's why you're happier?", I asked nicely.

"Mostly, yes. I would have preferred if you had talked to me about it though", she said softly.

"I didn't know if you'd let me to be honest, and I really needed to start doing something", I explained kindly, not wanting to upset her or anything.

"I think what you're doing is great, Ash. I just feel a little left behind from your recovery but it's okay. If you need to do this on your own there's no problem", she said in a reassuring tone.

"Come with me", I said chuckling and extended my hand as I got up.

She took my hand and followed me downstairs to the gym. I grabbed my sheet of paper next to the stereo and made us sit on a treadmill. I scooted close to her and held the paper between us.

"That's what I did in the last couple of days", I said softly.

"I'm glad you're taking it slow at least", she mumbled as she went through the paper.

"And you know, never once did I feel short of breath", I informed her proudly.

"Do you still struggle with the stairs?", she asked.

"If I take them very slowly I can stop in the middle of the staircase but if I go up at a normal pace I need to stop twice", I answered and pursed my lips.

"So you can jump like a kangaroo and do flips all around the garden for hours but you can't go up and down the stairs? It makes no sense at all", she said in confusion.

"I know right? And my throat was tricky like that too. Remember when we left for the yacht and I couldn't stop coughing? Well, just before I couldn't even drink water but the champagne was flowing on its own", I explained outraged.

"That's so weird", she muttered, looking at me as if I wasn't even human. She had her thinking face on. I didn't like that.

"Spill", I said rolling my eyes. She sucked in a deep breath and was clearly hesitating.

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