Chapter 8 - Bipolar bitch

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The table that was dressed for us was beautiful. It was small enough for Taylor and I to be at an arm length distance but big enough to fit all the plates and cutlery without being compressed.

I was conversing with Taylor and admiring her beauty while she rambled about insignificant but nice topics. She radiated. We'd been here for fifteen minutes, just drinking water, and I wasn't even bored. I was stuck looking at her. A waitress approached our table with menus tucked under her arm and smiled when she reached us.

"Good morning ladies, would you like to start off with something to drink or some appetizers?", she asked politely while she handed us the menus. I looked at Taylor, hoping that she would help me since she knew the place quite well.

"Could you make us a platter with of a mix of appetizers?", Taylor asked without tearing her eyes off the menu.

"Of course. Anything else?"

"We'll have a bottle of your best champagne. Thank you", Taylor said and turned her attention back to me. She frowned when she met my panicked face.

I hadn't drunk alcohol in a long time and I wasn't sure if I felt really comfortable with it. I'd made great progress dealing with my issues but this was huge. Alcohol was a factor of why I was here today. Sure, I'd met Taylor and I couldn't be happier, but what I'd been through for the last two years was also due to my father's alcoholism so it was hard to reconcile with booze.

I turned to look at the waitress and noticed just then that she wasn't that bad looking. Maybe a little too badass for my taste but she was okay. I glanced at her name tag: Kassandra. It suited her I guess.

"Could you also bring a bottle of sparkling water, please?", I asked softly to mask my anxiousness. She grinned and shamelessly checked me out.

"Anything for you", she said huskily and winked at me.

My face turned red and my eyes widened in astonishment. What the hell was this? Was she crazy?

"Ahem", I heard and looked at a fuming Taylor. Oh fuck she was mad. It would not turn good.

They were now staring at each other and Taylor talked coldly.

"You can go now", she said with a sharp look. The waitress nodded, knowing that making a scene would be unnecessary and inappropriate. Knowing Taylor, she would get her ass fired.

"I'll be back shortly", the waitress said with a tight smile before walking away.

"Unfortunately", Taylor mumbled before turning her attention back to me.

Her face softened when she laid her eyes on me and I felt relieved to know that she wouldn't lash out. I was still really embarrassed by Kassandra's flirting. Neither did I expect this to happen nor did I want it to happen.

"What the hell what that?", I asked pointing shockingly at the waitress. The words came out slowly as my mind was still trying to recover.

"Me telling her to back off", she said shrugging before sipping on her water.

I got off the embarrassment state and started to feel curious. How could that waitress just openly flirt with me during her work hours? Did that happen often? This was so unprofessional of her.

"Is she even allowed to do that?", I asked Taylor with a frown on my face.

"Not really, this isn't ethical", she said calmly.

"Yet waiters compliment customers all the time."

"There is a difference between complimenting someone and eye fucking them, Ashley", she said curtly, raising her voice a bit too much.

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