Chapter 31 - Nemo

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I felt soft lips dropping light kisses all over my face. My heart fluttered and my insides awakened as I knew it was Taylor. I loved how gentle she was when she woke me up. Figuring she was about to leave for college, I opened my eyes to avoid holding her back for too long. I immediately smiled when I saw her face. She was so pretty.

"Are you leaving?", I whispered. Taylor smiled and cupped my cheek lovingly.

"No, I just got back", she said chuckling, making me frown in confusion.

"That's impossible, you didn't kiss me goodbye", I croaked in disbelief.

"I'm kissing you good morning instead", she leaned down and delicately lay her lips on mine.

She moved them faintly and pulled away, leaving me with a wave of butterflies in my stomach. I opened my arms and pouted, wanting my morning cuddles. She giggled and took off her shoes before climbing on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly as she nestled against my neck. I needed this.

"Did you sleep well?", she asked softly and started drawing random patterns on my collarbone and chest.

"Yes, it did me good. How was your morning?", I asked her with my terrific raspy voice.

"Pretty nice. My professor had a conference to attend and let us go like half an hour early. I tried to call you but didn't get an answer so I texted Linda and she told me you were still sleeping like a log, which I found very cute and funny. My mom called me to tell me she had to pick up Jordan from school because his teacher got sick and Alex is stuck in the office till late tonight. Same for her husband. She asked if we wanted to spend the day with them, but I told her I needed to talk to you about it first. Then I sped off and came back to see you", she reeled off. She sounded really passionate about her story. This was cute.

"It would be nice to spend some time with your mother. I haven't seen her since the whole Joe thing", I said as I played with her hair.

"You think we can make it for lunch?", she asked and started kissing my neck.

"Depends on what time it is", I whispered and tilted my head as Taylor sucked softly on what she calls 'her' spot. It was right in the middle of my throat, between my jaw and collarbone. It initially wasn't a sensitive spot of mine, but Taylor managed to make it one. Unbelievable.

"10:45", she mumbled against my skin and let her tongue enter the game.

"Wow, hang on there", I said and pulled her head up to make her look at me, "I don't believe talking to your mother and driving back here takes an hour and a half, Taylor."

"I went grocery shopping", she said chuckling.

I squinted my eyes and hummed skeptically. She giggled and attacked my cheek, intending to bite it. I turned my head laughing and started wiggling but she grabbed my face to keep it steady and managed to take my cheek between her teeth and bite me repeatedly.

"Stop", I squealed between my giggles as I tried to push her away. She stopped biting but kept on peppering my face with kisses. I loved mornings like this. It was nothing exceptional to cuddle and kiss a little, but I always embraced these sweet, funny moments.

Taylor went with me in the bathroom and sat on the counter to keep chatting with me as I took a shower. She texted Jen to tell her we would be there within an hour and went to her closet to pick my outfit. I dried myself, brushed my teeth and did my arm. I applied light makeup that could match basically anything and fixed my hair.

Taylor flashed me her signature move as I walked into the closet and showed me the outfit she had prepared for me. It was nice. Simple and classy at the same time. She had even chosen my underwear. Where was the air of mystery in all that? She'd got me dark holed jeans, a white sleeveless blouse, and brownish-gray heels. She prepared me a purse as I got dressed and looked for some accessories to complete the look. She gave me a bracelet and a necklace that were both really cute and handed me the purse. I sprayed some perfume and was all set to go.

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