Chapter 43 - Bon appétit

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I was finally back to college and my spot in the right corner was still available, just waiting for my butt to claim it back. I informed my teachers that I was back and everything got back to normal.

However, I received an email from my constitutional law teacher, Mrs Hilton, asking for a meeting. We agreed on a time and here I was, in my constitutional law professor's office at 7:30, right before the beginning of our lecture, ignoring the reason of my presence. Taylor wanted us to carpool today so she was waiting in the hallway, probably with her ear glued to the door.

"You've been absent quite some time, Miss Roberts. Is everything doing better for you?", she asked nicely.

"Yes, thanks for asking", I said politely.

"I wanted to see you because while you were away you missed a few examinations."

"What? I thought the teachers were supposed to send me all the due work", I said completely confused.

"We're talking here about tests that were given in class obviously. The due papers were all received alright", she specified.

"Okay, and now what?", I asked frowning.

"Given the circumstances, my colleagues and I decided that we would make you take the tests later to avoid penalizing you."

"Really? Wow that's... Wow, thank you so much", I reeled off enthusiastically as my hands were moving around strangely. She smiled and opened a drawer from which she took out a piece of paper that she gave me.

"Here you have all the information you need. We've set all the tests in two weeks to leave you some time to get back into the rhythm. You'll find on this guideline the dates, hours and rooms, and the chapters you need to review for each test", she explained nicely as I went through it shockingly. This was insane. It was so nice what they were doing for me.

"I'm speechless Mrs Hilton, I don't know how to thank you", I said in a low voice and looked back at her.

"No need. Just follow the guideline and you'll be fine", she said confidently and smiled brightly.

"Is it normal procedure?", I asked shaking my head in lack of understanding.

"No, it's not. But we need to make sure all the students have the same chances to succeed", she answered kindly.

"Well, this is very considerate of you", I said nodding .

"Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any doubt or request about the lessons or your incoming tests, alright?"

"Alright, yeah, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks", I reeled off and scoffed in disbelief.

"I need to shorten our meeting but I'll see you in a bit for the lecture", she said getting up so I stood up and shook her hand.

"Thank you, Mrs Hilton. See you there", I said politely and left the room quietly.

I expected Taylor to be right in front of the door but to my biggest surprise, she wasn't. I closed the door of the office and looked around but there was no sign of Taylor. I frowned in confusion and took my phone out. No text or missed call. Where had she gone now? I made my way towards the main hall, peeking in every open room, hoping she would be there. I crossed the hallway in the other way. In vain. I sighed frustratingly and clicked on her contact to call her.

"Babe!", she greeted enthusiastically.

"Tay, where the hell are you?", I asked still looking around.

"In the bathroom", she said casually so I spun around and changed way. Again.

"I'm coming", I said and hung up.

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