Chapter 15 - Never let go

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Taylor and I got ready pretty quickly. We didn’t know where we wanted to go for dinner so we tried to wear clothes that would suit for any kind of place. I went for black skinny jeans, a white blouse that I tucked in and black heels that I borrowed from Taylor. I tied my hair in a high ponytail, left my makeup as simple as I could, and added some red lipstick to make it sophisticated.

Taylor opted for the same kind of outfit. She was wearing white jeans with a royal blue shirt and silver heels. Her makeup was more pronounced than mine and she left her hair down. She was drop dead gorgeous.

“Babe you’re ready to go?”, Taylor asked while closing her purse. She grinned and approached me. I nodded and extended my hand for her to grab it. We laced our fingers and made our way to the elevator.

“I don’t have any idea of where we are going Taylor”, I said chuckled.

“Me neither but we’ll be fine, don’t worry”, she said and squeezed my hand. I turned to look into her blue eyes and smiled.

“I know”, I said softly.

The doors opened so we made our way outside. The weather was amazing for this time of the day. We could see the beach from the porch of the hotel but we were also on a very lively street. It was perfect.

“This place is so beautiful!”, she exclaimed and grinned excitedly.

“Yeah it is. And I’m sure we’ll be able to find a nice restaurant nearby."

“I really hope so because I’m starving”, she groaned.

We decided to follow the main street where a market was set up. On both sides of the road were booths and displays, each of them specializing in a different discipline. The first stallholder was a man who was making portraits live. Of course it enchanted Taylor who asked me if I wanted to do it. Not only was I refractory, but I also didn't want to spend my whole night stuck on his tiny wooden stool while I could spend it at the beach instead. This latter argument convinced Taylor to keep going.

We looked at all the booths in admiration. These people were really talented and creative. This was amazing. When we reached the last booth, it caught my attention. There was a weird vibe to it. An old lady was sitting on a chair and looked up when she saw us approaching. She was surrounded by old books and lucky charms. I didn't like it one bit. I glanced at Taylor and saw her looking at me in panic. I tightened my grip on her hand and started walking to get away from that creepy woman who wouldn't stop staring at me.

“Wait”, a weak voice with a very pronounced accent made me turn around. It was her. Fuck my life! She got up from her chair and approached me without looking away. “What your name?”, she asked. Great. I’d have to decipher what she wanted to say too. I looked at Taylor and she was literally freaking out. I'd have to handle this on my own.

“Ashley”, I said and smiled tightly.

“Your heart is big”, she said with a straight face. I gaped in surprise. I did not expect this at all.

“Thank you”, I said and glanced at Taylor to make sure she was okay but her face was blank.

“Lot of love in your heart. Who for?”, she asked.

“For her”, I smiled proudly and pointed at Taylor.

The woman turned to face Taylor and stared at her for a few minutes. Taylor was clearly uncomfortable and she was getting irritated. She was losing patience and it wouldn't take long for her to blow off.

“Lot of love for Ashley”, she said seriously. Taylor’s face softened and she grinned at the woman but she didn’t move an inch.

“Yeah”, she said with a faint nod.

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