Chapter 39 - Dinner party

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY", everyone shouted when I entered Jen's living room. I laughed and squeezed Taylor's hand.

"Thanks guys!", I exclaimed excitedly and saw a little figure running towards me. I bent down and opened my arms to welcome Jordy in them. I picked him up and held him against me as he clung to me.

"Happy birthday Ashley", he said in his cute high-pitched voice.

"Thank you", I said in a singing tone.

I looked at Taylor smiling and she pecked my cheek softly. She was being cute tonight. I felt another kiss on my cheek but sloppier and smaller. I looked at Jordan and took in his appearance.

"Look at how handsome you are", I said impressively as I touched his leather jacket.

"It's for you", he confessed proudly. I heard a scoff so I giggled, knowing it was Taylor, as I put Jordan down. He was kinda heavy.

"I'm very pleased. Thank you", I told him nicely and turned to Taylor.

She rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around my waist to make us join the others. I greeted everyone warmly and thanked them all for coming. Even Elizabeth was here. I was so glad to see Linda and her family, they looked so pretty and delighted. Last but not least, Taylor's closest family. I started with the girls, then Nick, and finished with Jen.

"Thank you so much for all this, it's so beautiful", I said softly as I hugged her.

"It's my pleasure, really", she said with so much sincerity that it warmed my heart.

"And I'm really sorry about yesterday", I said as I regained my spot next to Taylor.

"What happened yesterday?", Nick asked worriedly, looking back and forth between Jen and I.

"We had a meeting with the lawyer to review the case before the trial. There was a small incident but it's alright. Everybody understands", Jen said reassuringly.

"You need to tell me when it is so I can clear the day", Nick told Jen and smiled at her.

"On Wednesday", Jen answered and kissed his cheek softly. They were so cute.

"Ash", Alicia called from my left.

"Yeah?", I asked and smiled.

"You think we can come too?", Alicia asked timidly.

"I don't mind but you need to ask your parents if you can miss school", I said softly.

"Cool, we'll text you to let you know", Alicia said and turned to Johanna.

The setting was insane. There was a huge table outside with a mountain of gifts and cards, an enormous buffet on the terrace. The table was set inside though, probably to avoid any other pool related incident. I scoffed when I spotted a DJ in the corner but thought it would be nice to dance with Taylor. I also caught sight of a photographer which was so thoughtful of Jen. In a secluded corner, Linda and Eduardo were focused on their girls who were obviously thrilled to witness all of that. I made my way inside with two flutes of champagne. They smiled brightly when they saw me approaching them.

"How is it going so far?", I asked as I handed them the glasses.

"Thanks, Miss", Linda said smiling.

"Great, thank you so much for inviting us", Eduardo answered all smiles.

"You're welcome, I thought it would be nice to have you and to meet your girls", I said nicely and looked down at them with a sincere smile.

"Are you Miss Roberts?", the tallest asked while squinting her eyes. That was Paola.

"Yes that's me, but my name is Ashley", I answered kindly.

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