Chapter 28 - Social experiment

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"I don't know if I'll ever be ready for this, Taylor. This is so weird!", I yelled from the closet as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad!", she shouted.

I raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips. I still rocked this uniform to be honest. I just hoped Taylor could control herself when she'd see me in this. I was almost completely recovered by now but we hadn't tried to go further than little make out sessions since I still struggled with the stairs. I'd gone from five to eight within the last week though.

I smoothed my skirt and stepped outside. Taylor was sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at me carefully and taking in my very exposed body. She tilted her head to the side and nodded slightly as her eyes made their way up slowly. I approached her  and wrapped my arms around her neck as I stood between her legs.

"What's the verdict?", I asked timidly.

"Gorgeous", she whispered as she lay her hands on my thighs.

"I can't make you a lap dance though", I said giggling.

Taylor laughed and kissed my abdomen softly, sending a shiver down my spine. I was so sensitive to her slightest touch it was insane. I hadn't felt her in too long. We would celebrate our anniversary tomorrow and I didn't even know if I'd be ready to make love to Taylor. I knew she understood it but it was still frustrating for both of us.

"How are you feeling?", she mumbled against my skin and kissed me one more time before looking up at me.

"Way better. I still get really tired but I finally see the end of it", I said and started playing with her hair.

"You want to rest a little?", she asked.

"Depends if you're staying with me or not", I said chuckling.

"Let's change into something more comfortable", she said as she stood up before she pecked my lips softly.

I followed her to her closet and removed my top on my way there. I put it away in my now full compartment and took my skirt off quickly. I put my panties on and opened the sports wardrobe to grab a loose tank top. I hoped Taylor was okay. She must had noticed that I wasn't wearing underwear with my uniform. I spun around but she wasn't there.

I thought it could be a good time to show her the computer. I lifted my pile of clothes to grab it and hid it behind my back as I walked back into the room. Taylor was closing the curtains in her underwear to darken the room a bit. She turned around and grinned when she saw me. She approached me and furrowed her eyebrows, looking at my arms.

"What are you hiding, my love?", she asked in a singing tone.

"Something you've been asking for", I said softly and showed her the laptop.

"Oh my god!", she squealed and snatched it from me, fascinated. I laughed and made my way to the bed. I pulled the cover and arranged the pillows as she liked them.

"Your throne is ready, your Majesty", I called jokingly and climbed on the bed to make myself comfortable.

Taylor joined me and claimed her spot before opening the laptop and switching it on. I scooted over to rest my head on her shoulder and placed my hand on her stomach. I told Taylor the password and let her wander. She went straight to the pictures. I gasped when I saw the number. I didn't remember I had that many.

"I'm definitely starting with this folder!", she exclaimed laughing and opened 'Baby Brooklyn'. I laughed and let my fingertips brush over her skin. She clicked on the first picture and burst out laughing. She scrolled and commented every single picture of my child self. "Anw this one is so cute", she said when a picture of my mom and I appeared.

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