Chapter 61 - Donuts

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Taylor was grumpy. I'd woken her up too early for her taste, depraved her from breakfast, hadn't told her anything about our plans, and driven us to the florist where I demanded that she stayed in the car. I'd bought so many flowers for my mother that the employee had to help me carry everything to the car. Taylor had yelled at me because she thought I had lost my mind. I gave her a bouquet of red roses which managed to calm her down a little.

Taylor wouldn't stop asking me questions about our whereabouts, about the flowers, about the buildings we were seeing, about the weather, about our long sexful night. About pretty much anything and everything. However, she immediately shut up when I stopped in front of the cemetery. She looked at me with her mouth hung open.

"Will you help me carry the flowers?", I asked smiling.

"Wait", she blurted out and pulled on the sun visor to check herself in the mirror.

"Taylor, my mother is dead, she won't see you", I pointed out chuckling.

"I don't care, this is important", she retorted firmly as she fixed her already perfect hair.

"I agree with you but I think you're gorgeous, I don't want you to touch anything", I said in a soft and reassuring tone.

"Is my lipstick okay?", she asked and spun her head to face me.

"Stop or I'll kiss you to ruin it", I threatened, raising my eyebrow to show my seriousness.

"This is a very tricky threat", she muttered and opened the door to get out.

I waited for her to close the door and threw myself over the console to reach for my purse. I grabbed my wallet and carefully took the ring out to put it in the pocket of my jeans. Thank you tinted windows. Right when I sat up, Taylor opened the trunk and urged me to join her, saying I was being too sluggish. Nice way to treat the girl who was about to promise you eternal love, Taylor.

I stuffed Taylor's arms the more I could and managed to carry all the rest despite the struggle I'd gone through to close the trunk. Taylor was so cute, she was holding the flowers very tightly to make sure they wouldn't fall and would have walked way ahead of me if she had known the location of my mom's grave. I guided us there and tried to walk fast to avoid being kicked in the ass by Taylor, because she would be entitled to do such thing. Not too hard though, she wouldn't want to damage her playground.

When we arrived in front of her grave, I noticed a few things. First, I couldn't help but feel heartbroken at how empty and lifeless her grave was. Second, I couldn't help but stop dead in my tracks at the sight of my own grave right next to hers. This was really weird.

"How do you want to place them?", Taylor asked in a low tone.

"I was thinking of organizing them by color", I said, raising my eyebrows questioningly. I needed her opinion on this.

"Okay, we can do that. Look babe, I know it's not the right moment but I want to be honest with you. I love that you surprised me by taking me to see your mom, but I would have appreciated if you had let me participate in buying her flowers. This is very important for me to feel involved in your life and now I'm feeling completely left out. I'm not blaming you or anything, I'm just wondering why you would intentionally leave me in the dark about visiting your mother while you know how vital it was for me. And for both of us", she reeled off in her sweetest tone as she set the flowers on the ground, even mine.

"Taylor, breathe", I said giggling and wrapped my arm around her waist to bring our bodies together.

"I'm just expressing myself", she mumbled and looked down sheepishly.

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