Chapter 18 - Watch me

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My eyes fluttered open when I felt something moving on my cheek. I smiled when I met a beaming Taylor stroking my cheek lovingly. Our bodies were pressed together in the same position as last night and our noses were touching.

"Hi baby", she whispered. I grinned and tightened my hold on Taylor's waist.

"You're so beautiful", I said in my raspy morning voice.

"And you're so gorgeous", she said softly and before kissing me. She pulled away and laid her face back on the pillow.

"Are you feeling better?", I asked while stroking her waist with my thumb. I was still too sleepy to move the whole hand.

"Much better, I had an amazing nurse", she said teasingly.

"Oh really?", I asked, raising my eyebrows playfully.

"She was very sweet and she took great care of me", she said with a little smile.

"You should thank her very much then", I said chuckling and bit my bottom lip.

"Don't worry, I will", she whispered before leaning in and to capture my lips in hers.

I melted on the spot and kissed back with the same fondness. I felt Taylor's body guiding me and pushing me on my back. She lay between my legs and we stayed like this, just kissing in each other's arms and enjoying the feeling of our bodies together. My hands were traveling between her back and waist while one of her hands caressed my leg. She pulled away after a while so I opened my eyes to check why she had broken this wonderful kiss.

"I want mornings like this all the time", she said softly.

"Me too baby, it feels so good", I said above a whisper. I slid my arms around her neck and engulfed her in a tight hug.

She placed her head in the crook of my neck and stroked my sides slowly. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the peacefulness of the moment. I knew I could get clingy but I needed this. I needed Taylor all the time. Even before we officially got together I'd hug her like this just to make sure she wouldn't go anywhere, that she was by my side.

"I could stay like this all day long", she mumbled against my neck.

"You're not tired of your clingy girlfriend?", I asked teasingly.

"Don't say that, I love cuddling with you", she said before pecking my skin.

"Great, because this is bound to happen a lot", I said chuckling.

"Amazing", she whispered.

"What do you feel like doing today?", I asked as I started playing with her hair.

"Something relaxing", she said softly.

"We can enjoy the spa and then go to the pool if you want", I offered.

"Fine by me, but let me just lie with you first", she whispered and kissed my neck gently before snuggling more into me.

We spent a good hour cuddling before getting ready. We decided to eat breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel before we headed to the spa. Luckily for us, it was empty so we were able to fully enjoy it without anyone annoying us. Apparently, Taylor loved the hammam. She wouldn't get out of there and I had to beg her not to let me burn alive.

We eventually went back to our room. To my biggest delight, Taylor finally accepted to try the balneo bath with me. As I leaned back against the edge of the tub, I watched Taylor. She wouldn't stop moving and fidgeting, as if something was bothering her. The frown on her face confirmed that something was wrong. Her little scene was cute but we were meant to spend a relaxing day together. I didn't want her to be grumpy.

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