Chapter 53 - A monster like you

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"I'm warning you. If one of your barely friends annoys me, I'm leaving", I said firmly and locked the car behind us.

"We can sit on our own if you prefer", she offered kindly and slid her hand in mine as we made our way towards her building.

"But I don't want to change your habits", I said and groaned as I heard my phone chime from the pocket of my jacket. I looked anyway.

Alicia - We're doing it! We decided to just be normal like when we're home. I'll tell you how it goes.

Me - That's great, I'm glad for you two. Stay strong!

"What is she talking about?", Taylor asked confusedly.

"They came out to your parents and today they go to school as a couple for the first time", I summed up proudly and put my phone away.

"I didn't know that!", she exclaimed outrageously so I looked at her and smiled at her cute angry face.

"Sorry baby, I would have told you last night but I had my mind elsewhere", I said innocently and giggled at her blushing face. She didn't blush often but it was always so adorable when she did.

"Apology accepted", she mumbled.

Since we were a bit in advance, Taylor guided us directly to the lecture theater to make sure we could pick our seats. Obviously, her usual classmates were already there and waved at us to join them. So we did that. We sat on the row right behind theirs.

"It's about time you introduce your girl, Taylor!", the same guy as last time exclaimed and observed me intently. First of, I was not her 'girl', you fucker. That one was a real pain in the ass.

"Everyone, this is Ashley. Now stop staring at her", Taylor said firmly and raised her eyebrow authoritatively but he was still looking at me. It was beginning to get on my nerves so I turned my attention to my bag and took out my own work to start organizing my space.

"You're not even saying hi?", he asked and I understood it was for me.

"Hi", I said half-heartedly as I switched on my laptop.

"You remind me of someone but I can't find out who it is", he said in a whiny tone. This time I looked at him to see if he rang any bell. Nope.

"I don't know you", I said apologetically and grabbed my phone to check the text I had just received.

Alicia - Everyone looks at us weird

Me - Fuck them. If they can't accept you they don't deserve your attention

"They're having trouble?", Taylor asked worriedly.

"Dirty looks", I answered and pursed my lips as I prayed for them to be okay.

"Those spoiled kids deserve a few slaps, I'm telling you", she said frustratingly and shook her head in disbelief as she organized her little spot. She was so cute.

"Where are you from?", I heard the guy asking and he was really annoying me.

I didn't like it when people were on my back like this, especially when I didn't know them.

"Do you ever stop?", I snapped, looking at him sharply.

"Chill, it's just a question", he said with a bit of attitude and rolled his eyes.

"Mind your own business and don't talk to me", I said sternly.

"Damn Taylor, what did you feed her with this morning?", he asked chuckling and that was the last straw.

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