Chapter 62 - Moulin Rouge

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"Yes baby, ride that", Taylor moaned loudly so I gripped her leg more tightly and increased the intensity of my rocking to create even more pressure between our centers.

"Fuck", I groaned as my orgasm was ready to explode.

"That's it", she whispered between her hard breaths and gave my ass another sharp slap. She groped it firmly and followed the movements of my hips.

I really gave everything I had until we both climaxed at the same time. I maintained a slow pace to let us release our waves of pleasure. Again. It was at least the fourth since we'd started off. I loved our endless lovemaking, I loved feeling so close to Taylor - especially when we managed to come together - but right now I needed my soft break.

Therefore I waited for Taylor to reopen her eyes, indicating me she was done, and lay down on top of her to kiss her. I didn't kiss her hungrily or passionately, I kissed her slowly and very softly, while gently holding the side of her neck. I left her lips to trail light kisses on her neck and came back up to kiss her jawline before reconnecting our lips. Her hands were sensually caressing my skin as if wanting to print every inch of it in Taylor's mind. In a way, Taylor's touch was trying to match the tenderness I was pouring in our kisses.

"I love you", I whispered against her lips and got back to kissing her with the same softness.

"Je t'aime", she whispered back, making me look at her with a huge grin. I was totally taken aback but very moved by her attempt to learn French.

"You've been training?", I asked raising my eyebrows in admiration.

"Tu es magnifique, mon amour", she said more clearly and I stayed agape in front of that. Not only had it sounded amazing but she'd put all her heart into it, making it even more beautiful.

"What else can you say?", I asked in a whisper and grinned at the sound of her melodious giggles.

"Macaron", she blurted out in her most serious tone so I contained my laughter and nodded in awe.

"We'll get to eat delicious macaroons in Paris", I informed her and rolled my eyes in bliss.

"I want to see Versailles", she said raising her eyebrows in excitement.

"It's not in Paris itself but we can still go", I said chuckling.

"Where else can we go?", she asked with her innocent expression. Even the Eiffel tower would melt in front of that.

"There's a Disneyland", I said shrugging.

"No way! We need to spend a whole day there!", she said squealing excitedly.

"We're gonna have a hectic schedule for sure", I mumbled giggling.

"You need to give me a show at the Moulin Rouge", she said playfully and I couldn't contain my laughter at this one.

"I can't dance cancan", I said between my giggles.

"You'll find some other way to blow my mind", she said confidently and started playing with my hair that was falling over my shoulder.

"How about a burlesque show?", I asked in a whisper and raised my eyebrows teasingly.

Her face reddened on the spot and she took a deep breath. Her brain was clearly running fast. I bit my lip seductively and let my hand slide down her body until it reached her still wet folds. I smirked in satisfaction and started stroking, making her breathing quicken.

"Would you be interested?", I whispered huskily.

"Very", she mumbled and cupped my face to bring our lips together.

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