Chapter 34 - Family breakfast

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I woke up quite early. I didn't know why, but it was 8am and I couldn't sleep anymore. Taylor was far from having finished her night considering her face so I pecked her lips and got off her. It was a good thing I'd slept on top of her or I would have been stuck in here all morning.

I didn't want to make too much noise so I picked a t-shirt and leggings from her wardrobe and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and did my arm since the girls were around. I tied my hair in a ponytail and thought it would be nice to prepare a huge breakfast for when they all woke up. Maybe I could take the car and go buy some pastries and coffee from Taylor's favorite store. She'd be happy, right?

I got back in the closet and put on my favorite pair of Nikes that Taylor owned. I grabbed my sunglasses and rummaged through my purse to grab my wallet. I opened it and my eyes widened when I saw no cash at all. I had forgotten my debit card at the apartment like an idiot, so my last option was to use Taylor's credit card even though I was not comfortable with the simple idea of carrying it with me in the first place. I'd use it and pay her back in cash later. I took my keys and went to grab my phone from the nightstand.

I passed the stairs smoothly, I stopped at thirteen which was great. I turned the alarm off and opened the blinds before going to the garage. I didn't take the Porsche though, I stuck to 'my' Range. I set the GPS and started driving towards Taylor's favorite coffee shop. The streets were empty, it was so nice. I got there in no time. I turned the car off and my phone started ringing. Already? I took it out of my purse and raised my eyebrows in surprise. Why was Jen calling me?

"Hello", I answered sweetly.

"Hi Ashley, how are you doing?", Jen greeted nicely.

"Great, thanks. Yourself?"

"Very good but I tried to call the girls and no one answered", she said confused.

"They're still sleeping", I said chuckling.

"Oh, that's why. We wanted to invite you all for breakfast, but I guess it's too improvised."

"Why don't you and Nick come over instead? I'm actually on a run for some coffee right now."

"This is a sweet idea. When can we come?"

"Let's say an hour"

"Perfect. Thank you so much, Ashley. See you then."

"See you."

I stepped out of the car and made my way to the store excitedly. The girls would be so glad to see their parents when they woke up. I entered the store and found it empty, which delighted me. I approached the window display and looked at their pastries, pondering.

"Good morning, Miss. Have you made your choice yet?", a masculine voice asked so I raised my head and smiled at him politely.

"Morning. I'll have twelve pieces of each of your pastries, a tea with one of sugar and two of cream, two hot chocolates, two Americanos, and a black coffee with one sugar and a half, please", I reeled off. His eyes widened and he cleared his throat softly.

"I'll start with the pastries and make your hot drinks afterwards", he said, smiling tightly.

"Alright", I said nodding and observed him as he put the order in a huge bag.

"Family breakfast?", he asked nicely.

"You got it right", I answered chuckling. I loved the sound of that.

"Okay, so the pastries are all set but I'll need some help remembering the drinks", he said grimacing.

"Two hot chocolates, two coffees, one tea with one of sugar and two of cream, and a black coffee with one sugar and a half", I repeated more slowly.

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