Chapter 2 - I'm sorry

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Saying that living with Taylor Lawson was eventful would be an understatement. She had moved in three weeks ago and so far there hadn't been a day when I felt bored. She was like a sunshine.

She was so full of energy that she had brought life into my home without even being aware of it. These past few weeks had allowed me to learn a lot about this gorgeous brunette who I grew to care about more and more as time went by.

I learned that Taylor came from a very wealthy family. Her dad owned a multinational oil company and her mom was a renowned actress. She had a little sister, Johanna, who was 15 and a huge fan of soccer from what I’d gathered. Even if they couldn't see each other often, their family was very strong and united.

I also learned some of her habits. She liked her coffee black with one sugar and a half. She needed at least 8 good hours of sleep otherwise she would be grumpy for the whole fucking day. She enjoyed watching Spongebob with her gray fluffy blanket around her shoulders and a jar of peanut butter.

Every night we made sure to watch a movie together. She could never make it through the first thirty minutes though. Every night, Taylor would fall asleep on my lap, so I'd carry her carefully to her bed and kiss her goodnight on her forehead before going back to the living room to finish the movie.

Taylor also had the habit of cutting all of her food before starting eating. In the mornings, she always ate the same thing: an apple, two pancakes with salted caramel, a glass of orange juice and her coffee. And the list of habits could go on. Around Taylor, I found myself being extremely careful about every detail. I didn't want to miss anything.

To be honest, I had developed a huge crush on her but I didn't know how she felt about her new lifestyle with me. I thought it would be a good idea to bring the topic on the table when she'd be back from the grocery store.

I was taking a shower when the door swung open to reveal a rushing Taylor. Before I had time to process what was happening, she started talking.

“Ash, I’m so so sorry to barge in but I really have to use the bathroom. The one at the store was so gross and overcrowded. I swear I almost threw up because of the smell. I had to hold it in but I can’t take it anymore. Just ignore my presence and keep on showering peacefully”, she rambled but honestly I wasn’t fully listening to her. Instead, I was more focused on the fact that I was standing completely naked in front of my roommate who I happened to like with only a glass door between us.

Out of instinct, I turned around and continued to shower. I didn’t want to make the situation weird. The state I was in just thinking that my crush was probably observing my naked body was unbearable. I was blushing so hard that my face was certainly redder than a tomato. I heard the flush and relaxed a little thinking that Taylor was finally out of the bathroom.

“Oh my god, why does she have to be so beautiful?”, I groaned out of frustration.

The next thing I heard was the door of the shower closing. I turned around and to my biggest surprise, I came face to face with a naked Taylor biting her bottom lip while scanning my body. Once again, her eyes froze when she reached my left boob. I started panicking but I didn’t want to repeat the same scene as last time so I did the first thing that came to my mind. I covered my breast with my left arm to hide my scar and spun around fast.

I took deep breaths in order to calm myself but I couldn’t prevent the tears from flowing. I wasn’t crying out of fear. I was crying because I was too ashamed. I was ashamed because he had destroyed me and even if he couldn’t reach me anymore, what he left on my body made me hate myself. I wasn't supposed to hate myself. I was supposed to embrace my new life and move on. But it was hard when I had this permanent reminder of the person who was still out there, wanting me dead.

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