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My name is Ashley Lawson, 24, I’ve been married with an incredible woman for two years now and our life couldn’t be better. When I think about it, I realize that I would have never imagined lying in our bed, holding our eight-month-old little boy against me, and having this big golden retriever snuggling against my back, as we all took a nap. Never. But it is my life now and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

As expected, our wedding was magical. It has been and will remain the best day of my life without any hesitation. I have goosebumps all over my skin just thinking back to the moment I discovered Taylor in her dress. I could only see her. I had asked Eduardo to walk me down the aisle, the poor thing was trying to make me stop crying but in vain. I was too overwhelmed by Taylor. My beautiful Taylor.

Lisa was obviously my maid of honor, Alicia and Linda my bridesmaids, while Johanna was Taylor’s maid of honor and Lexie her bridesmaid. Yes, I did ask Linda to be a significant part of my wedding for two main reasons. First, because I truly consider her as a friend, even though she’s still working for us, and also because I officially became the godmother of her third little girl, Maria. I’m not talking about the honeymoon because I grow hot each time I think about it.

We consumed our marriage alright.

As a wedding gift, Lisa and Lexie - who by the way moved to Los Angeles - gave us a puppy. Yes, Lisa gave me a dog - among something else that I will not evoke. He was so tiny and adorable that we adopted this cute golden retriever right away and named him Cooper. Taylor appears less fond of him than I am but it’s just a cover. She loves Cooper maybe more than I do.

A bit more than a year ago, Taylor brought up the idea of having a baby, which delighted me of course. We went through several options. Adoption was the last one because we truly wanted to have a baby of our own. We explored the path of finding a donor and one of us would carry the child. We had a slight problem at this part. Taylor didn’t feel ready to be pregnant, which I totally respected, so it was established that I would be the one carrying the baby. However, I refused to have a child that would look even a tiny bit like Patrick. For that reason, Taylor provided the egg, the donor the sperm, I stopped my birth control, and I was inseminated. Perfect solution. I’m gonna start my birth control again once I’m done breastfeeding though. Periods are the worst.

Nine months later, we welcomed Noah Brooklyn Lawson who’s been lightening our world with his endless smile and his sweet face. When I asked Lisa to be his godmother, she literally broke down crying and fell to the ground on her knees. She was adorable. Taylor agreed to pick Eduardo as the godfather and his reaction was priceless. He stayed unmoving with his mouth wide opened, staring at my big bump, for fifteen minutes.

And now here I am, with Noah sleeping peacefully against me and Cooper using my hip as a pillow for his big head, while Taylor is at work. I’m so proud of what she’s accomplished until now. She’s working alongside her father at the head of the company and she’s truly amazing. I’m working there too as the law department director. I took a step back at the end of my pregnancy and asked Lexie to replace me for a while. Now we share the position, that way she can combine it with her job with Lindsor. For now I work only a couple of hours in the mornings and I come back to stay home with Noah.

I heard the door opening slowly and waited for Cooper’s reaction to move. I felt his head leaving my body and he immediately got up and jumped out of bed with cute happy whimpers. Aww that’s Taylor.

“Shut up”, she hissed to be authoritative but she was probably petting him with a little grin beautifying her already perfect features.

I heard his loud paws clicking and then the door closing which meant one thing: she'd kicked him out. I felt the mattress bending a little behind me and a very well known body pressing itself against my back as an arm joined mine around Noah.

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