Chapter 40 - We're family. Kind of.

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It was already Monday. The rest of the weekend had been mainly about sex. It was 3am when Taylor and I got home from the party and we went at it for two hours. Same thing on Sunday, impossible for any of us to keep our hands to ourselves. Taylor claimed it had been necessary to make up for lost times, which I did not complain about. We didn't do just that, we also read the cards, looked at my gifts, and I choked at the amount of six-number checks I'd received. I was still alive though!

Taylor had left early this morning. As for me, I had called Mr Lindsor and set an appointment in the morning to talk about the case. To prepare for it, Taylor told me to look for the file in her mailbox. Which I did. I printed it and quickly went through it. Saying that I was mad would be an understatement but I decided to keep my composure and talk things through with the lawyer. We had agreed to meet at his office at 11am so I got ready to deal with this craziness.

I let Linda know about it. She wished me good luck and went to open the garage door for me. I grabbed my key from the cabinet and climbed in my beast. I still couldn't believe Taylor had bought me that. Any normal person would have just given me the black Range Rover for instance but no, she had to ship a Lamborghini from Italy. Jesus. I loved the car though. I started it, buckled up, and put my sunglasses on before starting to drive. Just then, my phone started ringing so I stopped in the driveway and looked at the caller. Hello butterflies and fireworks.

"Hi babe", I greeted excitedly.

"Hey, are you driving right now?", she asked.

"Almost, I just passed the garage."

"Just on time then. Have you found the file?"

"Yeah and I went through it. I'm really pissed off Tay."

"Try to stay calm babe, throwing death threats in front of the lawyer isn't very helpful."

"I know. I wrote down some comments. I'll talk about it with him."

"Is it going to take long?"

"I don't know, why?"

"I have a two-hour lunch break so we can eat together when you get out. But only if you accept my company of course."

"I can't refuse such an appealing offer."

"Amazing. Text me when you're there, okay?"

"I will. How are your classes so far?"

"Lame. I'm doing some sorting in my pictures instead and texting my mom about family week."

"At least it's productive."

"Exactly, I'll tell you all about it at lunch."

"Okay, good luck with your spring cleaning."

"Thanks baby, be careful on the road. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up with a huge smile on my face and put my phone away before turning the radio on. I set the GPS and started my journey peacefully. The streets weren't that busy so it took me twenty minutes to reach his office. I parked near the entrance and grabbed my purse from the passenger seat. I got out and texted Taylor to tell her I'd made it as I walked towards the front door. A security guard opened the door for me. The secretary told me to wait so I sat down and got busy by texting Taylor.

Me - I can't wait to see you

Babe - Me too baby, I miss your pretty face

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