Chapter 38 - Best birthday ever

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I was woken up this morning by something tickling my stomach. When I opened my eyes, I discovered a beaming Taylor lying between my legs as she kissed my belly, making my butterflies fly around happily. It brought a huge smile on my face, but this smile was quickly replaced by a loud gasp when I took in our surroundings. The room was filled with flowers, balloons, and boxes. Was she insane? We couldn't even step a foot on the floor now! It was so beautiful though...

"Happy birthday", Taylor said in a singing tone and kissed her way up eagerly. I looked at her, dumbstruck and speechless. I took her face in my hands and waited for her to be in front of me.

"You're crazy", I croaked out and scoffed at my own ridiculous morning voice.

"Don't you like your first surprise?", she asked with a hurt expression.

"I love my first surprise very much and I love you even more", I said softly and flashed her my biggest grin before lifting my body to hint that I wanted to kiss her.

She smiled brightly and smashed her lips on mine, making me lie back on the bed. I giggled but kept my lips on hers as they moved together not so efficiently considering our respective smiles.

"I love you", Taylor whispered against my mouth and kissed me but was forced to stop since neither of us would stop smiling. I wrapped my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist to hug her and squeeze very tightly. Taylor giggled and nestled against me as her hands held my sides.

"Thank you so much for this first surprise, baby. It's beautiful", I said in a low voice and scoffed at her insane but so generous heart.

"You have to open all the gifts of this room before we can go downstairs", she mumbled against my skin.

"You're lucky it's one of the only days I can't say anything about gifts or I would have driven you to each store to give them back", I reeled off seriously.

"I know", she said and leaned back to look at me with a proud expression.

"You're so pretty", I mumbled and crashed my lips on hers for a quick kiss.

Taylor stood up and brought every single box on the bed to have them all in front of us. Eighteen boxes were forming this pyramid of gifts, which made me look at her uneasily. However, she reminded me of my missed birthdays and told me it was to make up for all the members of my non-existent family who hadn't made me any gift in the past three years. Smartass.

"I keep this one for the end", Taylor said while grabbing a little rectangular box and carefully set it aside. What was this now?

"Okay, and now what do I do?", I asked while looking at the mountain of boxes in front of me, not knowing what was supposed to be my next move.

"Open this one", Taylor said and reached for a medium rectangular box that she set on my lap. I smiled and shook the box. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sound. Taylor laughed and rested her chin on my shoulder as she looked at my movements. I tore the paper up and my face lit up at the Nike logo.

"You didn't", I mumbled and removed the wrapping hastily to open the box. I gasped and looked at Taylor smiling. She bought new Nikes just like the ones I loved but got ruined by the pool.

"I hesitated between buying them myself or forcing the girls", Taylor confessed, making us both laugh lightly.

"Thanks baby", I said and pecked her lips all happy.

She grabbed the next gift and told me not to shake it. So I opened it right away and raised my eyebrows at the sight of an iPad. It was very nice but I told Taylor that I always used hers. She said I had my own now and the next gift was obviously a navy case with her little initials. So cute. Then came my own pair of sunglasses, which were exactly the same I was borrowing from Taylor, but it was just for the principle of owning them she said. She also specified that I shouldn't stop wearing her stuff nonetheless. She got me a new arm kit with high quality products and said we would try and see the difference. Everything was so targeted and thought through with her, it was amazing.

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