Chapter 48 - Beach date

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"Is that cozy enough for you?", Taylor asked and uncovered my eyes, letting me discover a cute setting on the beach.

"Babe, it's beautiful", I said softly as I spun around to face her with a huge smile.

"I even brought our bikinis in case we want to go for a swim", she said proudly.

"You're perfect", I whispered and leaned forward to kiss her soft lips.

This was exactly the kind of date I'd wanted for us. No gourmet restaurant, no foie gras, no fancy dress. Just Taylor and I.

She guided me towards the huge towel and my smile brightened at the sight of Asian food. She was amazing. She'd even prepared a towel to wipe our feet before stepping on the big one. I was glad because she hadn't bought too much food. It looked like we were gonna share a box of noodles, a little platter of sushis, and what I guessed was dessert in the white box. No one would get sick for overeating this time.

"Thank you so much, Tay. This is all so great", I said softly and bent over to kiss her cheek.

"You're welcome. I'm really happy we're doing this", she said and grinned broadly, making me melt on the spot. Every damn time.

"Me too", I whispered and looked down, feeling oddly intimidated under her intense gaze and radiant smile. It happened sometimes.

"Are you hungry?", she asked excitedly so I looked back at her and smiled at the sight of her shiny blue eyes.

"Just a little. I'm glad you remained reasonable with the food", I said chuckling.

"I'm making progress", she mumbled proudly and organized our cutlery with a cute smile playing on her lips. She was so pretty.

"How did your mom react when you told her we were going out?", I asked while reaching for water in the bag. I was asking because I'd played with Jordy all afternoon and hadn't really paid attention to the rest.

"She was so happy. She said we were right to escape a little. It's Johanna who was being a bitch about it but screw her, she'll get over it", Taylor answered casually.

"Maybe we'll get to spend some time with her when we come back, if she and Alicia are still up", I said and reached for a sushi.

"That's what I told her. But she said it wasn't fair that we leave like that to spend time alone, because this is family week and we're supposed to stay all together", she rattled out irritatingly.

"Hum, so it's okay if we spend the day out alone with them but you and I can't have a single night for ourselves?", I asked confusedly and shoved the sushi in my mouth. Delicious.

"I know, right? And my father's parents totally supported that", she said outrageously.

"They did?", I asked, raising my eyebrows. I was completely taken aback.

"Yeah, it's a good thing I only see them twice a year believe me", she snapped and shook her head frustratingly.

"You don't really get along with them?", I asked.

"Seeing how they talk about you, I sure won't anymore", she said blankly and my eyes widened at that.

"They told you bad things about me?", I asked in a low voice and dropped my chopsticks to focus solely on her.

"Yes, and it really hurt me because you're not like that at all. They think you're impolite because you barely talk to them and they said you're too extravagant for their taste", she said disdainfully and scoffed before eating a sushi.

"I didn't know it was what I convey, Tay", I said softly and thought about the few times I'd talked with them. They'd always remained cordial so I didn't understand where all of that came from.

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