Chapter 52 - Priorities first

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"You're so hot, I can't handle it", Taylor stated as she entered the study. I raised my head to watch her closing the door and approaching me with a smirk. She was already here?

"Shit! I didn't see the time, Tay. I'm sorry", I said, grimacing at the sight of the time.

"It's okay, I don't mind coming home to this view", she said teasingly and spun the chair to make me face her.

God, why did she look even more beautiful as time passed by?

"You're so gorgeous, Taylor", I mumbled as I studied her beaming face.

"Just kiss me already", she whined and impatiently smashed her lips on mine for a loving kiss that I gladly responded to.

"Hi babe", I said chuckling when she pulled away.

"Hey", she greeted softly and made herself comfortable on my lap.

"How was your morning?", I asked and leaned against the backrest to leave her some room.

"Boring as usual. You know, it's not fair that you barely have classes anymore. I feel like you're always home and I'm always wasting my time at uni", she said frustratingly.

"I explained to you already, Tay. I took so many extra credits last year that I don't need to follow everything anymore", I said softly and placed my hands above hers.

"You should come with me then", she said shrugging.

"Why? So I can deal with the same assholes as last time?", I asked skeptically.

"No, so you can keep me company and help me stay focused", she answered in her sweet begging tone. I already knew I was screwed so I surrendered.

"Sure, we can try", I said and smiled at her happy expression.

"Is tomorrow okay? I know you don't have classes on Fridays anymore and I start at 8", she said grimacing but I could see all the hopes in her eyes.

"Okay, baby", I said chuckling and pecked her lips, making her squeal excitedly and wrap her arms around my neck to hug me tightly.

That being settled, we went downstairs to eat the lunch Linda had prepared for us, which consisted in a sort of ratatouille with beef and rice. Divine. Taylor wanted to get rid of all her work for next week so I left her alone in the study and decided to allow myself some jacuzzi time. I changed into a bikini, tied my hair up, and took Taylor's iPad to play a movie or a show. Mine didn't have movies!

I opened the window to avoid plunging the room in a fog and stepped in, already knowing that my idea was exceptional. Once I was comfortable, I focused on the iPad and looked for something to do. Her games were frustrating so no, I knew all her pictures already, and I'd seen all the movies she got.

Before Taylor had arrived, I'd been looking for places where I could take Taylor when we got to Portland. I decided to keep on doing that. I opened Safari and typed Portland, displaying millions of results and images. I clicked on the first picture and scrolled to look at all these places I'd frequent daily. It would be best if we had a car there to move around but we needed to fly there. We'd have to stick to public transport. Taylor would cringe at the sound of the news.

I went on Google Maps and entered the itinerary to see how long it would take us to drive there. Fourteen hours! Compared to a three-hour flight, it made a huge difference. I closed the app and went back to Safari to type another research: car rental Portland.

Many options were available. A few agencies were located at the airport so I narrowed my research on these and tried to find a car that would fit Taylor's taste. There were various interesting deals but I doubted Taylor would appreciate traveling in a Ford Fiesta when she was used to Italian leather seats, Lamborghinis, and Range Rovers.

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