Chapter 23 - Battlefield

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"Taylor!", I moaned out of pleasure as Taylor's tongue was wreaking havoc between my legs. I'd been fierce with her just before but she was being ruthless. I couldn't complain though, it was incredible.

I was about to climax. I knew it and she knew it. She entered me with her tongue and that sent me in heaven. I arched my back and gripped her hair as I hit my high against her mouth. I couldn't have asked for a better way to wake up. I'd done a good thing pleasuring Taylor first though because it made her even more eager and this orgasm was pure bliss.

She licked all my juices off and kissed her way up, letting me catch my breath. I opened my eyes and grinned at the sight of Taylor's glistening lips. She kissed me and I moaned softly as I tasted myself on her. She pulled away slowly and I exhaled loudly in satisfaction. It was so good. She was so good. She was always so good.

"You're so beautiful", Taylor whispered. I smiled and looked at her, drooling in admiration. Her eyes, her broad grin, all the sincerity and meaning behind her words. How much I loved and cared for her.

"You're the apple of my eye Taylor", I said in a low voice.

The look on her face changed radically. It became even more intense, even more meaningful. Her eyes were watering a bit but she wasn't sad. I knew she wasn't because her smile was bigger than ever and her features radiated. She didn't need to say anything though, I could read her so easily. I could see all the emotions and feelings she was keeping inside.

I cupped her cheeks lovingly and just looked at her. She was so precious. I loved our sweet moments. They were so simple and pure. There was no pressure or obligations. It was only Taylor and I.

"Don't cry baby", I whispered and stroked her cheeks slowly as I saw tears escaping her magnificent blue eyes.

"I can't help it. It just feels so good to finally be appreciated for something other than my money or my name, you know", she said in a quivering voice.

"You deserve all the love and beauty of this world Tay. Never doubt this", I said seriously, looking deep into her eyes.

She let out a stifled sob and more tears started streaming down her cheeks. It broke my heart to see her like this but I knew she was happy and that it could be overwhelming when you were not feeling worth it. It was my job to make her believe in herself and make her understand that she didn't deserve those fuckers who had tried to take advantage of her. She deserved someone who'd love her for who she was and not by interest. It wasn't often that she showed her vulnerabilities but I needed to be there for her in these moments too.

"Okay that's enough", she whispered and took a deep breath to try and calm down. I smiled and stroked her cheeks gently as I waited for her to regain her composure.

She closed her eyes and gulped hard. She exhaled loudly and shook her head before looking at me again. She smiled and dropped a lingering kiss at the corner of my lips. She pulled away and sat up on my thighs. I heard a ting and Taylor sighed in irritation. She bent over and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. She gasped and turned the phone for me to see.

"Why is your sister sending you pictures of us making out?", I asked in shock.

"She took them yesterday", Taylor said, rolling her eyes.

"Isn't she supposed to be at school anyway?"

"Yes she is, which is why I'm gonna tell her to fuck off and to try and learn something for once", she muttered typing furiously.

She locked her phone and put it next to her before looking up at me with a smile. I loved when she smiled like this.

"What do you want to do today?", she asked softly.

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