Chapter 50 - Let me go

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"It feels so nice to be home", Taylor moaned as she let herself slide down against the edge of the bathtub.

"You're not gonna miss the family spirit?", I asked playfully.

"I love seeing all of them but sometimes they can be really impossible", she said firmly and I smiled at her angry expression.

"What part of the trip was your favorite?", I asked as I stepped in and sat down in the hot water, in front of Taylor. Even with her eyes closed and a frown on her face she was cute. She was always pretty. Always.

"When I saw you arriving with your perfect looks and your irresistible smile", she said in dreamy voice as a grin crept on her beautiful face.

"And besides that? What did you enjoy the most?", I asked softly and admired her beauty with probably a huge trail of drool flowing out of my mouth.

"Sleeping against you", she answered in a sweet singing tone and I giggled at that. Hearing her, it seemed like the trip had started on Wednesday night, and nothing had happened with anyone else but me.

"And what did you hate about the trip?", I asked while playing with the bubbles.

"At first I hated that you couldn't be with me but I understood so I kind of dealt with it. What I hated the most though was my grandparents' attitude towards you. And us in general", she rattled out.

"I can't disagree", I mumbled and shook my head in disbelief as I thought about the way they'd talked to me yesterday.

"My dad told me they won't be coming for Thanksgiving", she said blankly and I was pretty relieved to be honest. At least I wouldn't have to fight with them again.

"Have you decided what you wanted to do yet?", I asked to try and talk about something lighter and happier than her homophobic grandparents.

"No, but I want something cozy", she said in a low voice and yawned. Oh no, she couldn't fall asleep right now.

"Come on babe, let's get you out of here", I said softly and grabbed her waist to guide her movements.

Taylor clung to me as I guided us to the shower. I took care of washing her body since she was almost sleeping on her feet. I tried to hurry a little because it was 9pm and she started classes at 8am. She'd need all the sleep if she wanted to last the day. She was so adorable. She kept dropping light kisses all over my neck but whimpered when I needed to move away from her kissing range.

When I climbed in bed with her, she grabbed me and got comfortable on top of me with her head between my boobs, one hand next to her face so on my boob too, and the other hand under my arm. My poor baby, she was exhausted. We hadn't slept much last night, this morning we had both worked out a little and then we'd spent the whole day at the beach before packing and leaving. I brought my hand to her hair and massaged her scalp to try and soothe her a little.

"Goodnight, baby. I love you", she whispered faintly and scoffed as her thumb moved lazily over my breast, probably reacting to my quick heartbeat.

"I love you more, Tay", I whispered and wrapped my other arm around her to hold her against me.

"Tight", she said groggily so I tightened my grip around her and let her fall asleep peacefully.


Why was I cold all of a sudden? Something was missing on top of that.

I shot my eyes open and saw Taylor making her way towards the bathroom. I checked the time and it looked like she'd woken up before her alarm went off, which was surprising. I heard the shower running so I got up and walked over there to join her. I was awake anyway and I really wanted to hug her. I missed her. I tied my hair and discreetly stepped in the shower to avoid scaring her. I approached her and put my hands on her waist, making her gasp and spin around. The surprise was quickly replaced by a huge grin.

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