Chapter 42 - Get me out of here

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"Would you please state your name?", Lindsor started, very focused on his mission.

"Ashley Amanda Roberts", I said clearly.

"How are you feeling, Miss Roberts?", he asked seriously and I raised my eyebrows surprisingly, completely taken aback.

"Hum.. Stared at and uncomfortable", I scoffed and took a deep breath. I needed to focus on Lindsor. One look away and I would explode.


"I can feel his gaze on me", I said bluntly.

"Have you ever felt his presence or his gaze before?", he asked while squinting his eyes.

"No, it wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be here today if I did", I answered.

"What wouldn't have happened, Miss Roberts?", he asked raising his eyebrows expectantly. He was good.

"He wouldn't have been able to observe me like he did and any less assault me", I said irritatingly.

"If you may, I'd like to ask you about the day Mr Paulson lay into you. Could you please tell us what you were doing?"

"Getting ready for college. I took a shower and then headed to the closet to get dressed."

"At what exact moment of your actions did you notice Mr Paulson's presence?", he asked more aggressively.

"I was putting on my underwear, that's when I someone clearing their throat. When I spun around he was just standing there", I specified blankly.

"What was your first reaction when you discovered him?"

"I yelled at him and picked up my towel to cover myself", I said calmly.

"Could you tell us what happened after that?", he asked in a low and reassuring voice so I took a deep breath and glanced at the judge who nodded in encouragement.

"First he apologized, all stuttering. I was mad so I told him to get out but he didn't move."

"What did he do instead?", Lindsor asked seriously.

"He told me that he was here to inform me that my breakfast was ready. But while he was speaking, he was checking me out and his hands were fidgeting under his belt buckle", I reeled off and looked at the judge to try and see an emotion. She was disgusted. Great.

"How did you feel in that moment?"

"Very mad. I understood what he was doing so I squarely told him to leave the house", I said blankly and glanced at Taylor. Don't be sad baby.

"What was his reaction to that?"

"His face became hard. He had that sharp expression. After that it was all very quick. He yelled at me while he approached me and he gripped my neck to throw me against the wardrobe", I rattled out.

"Do you remember what he said to you?", Lindsor asked raising his eyebrows.

"Listen carefully, Ashley. You're nothing. You don't get to give me orders. So you shut the fuck up", I said clearly and without emotion.

"And did you talk back?"

"Yes, he was holding my neck very tightly but I managed to ask him what he would do if I didn't shut up", I answered.

"What followed? And please, be precise", he asked nicely.

"He squeezed my neck as he brought his face close to mine and he said he was gonna have a blast. Shortly after I heard a zipper."

"What went through your mind?", he asked and I sucked in a deep breath, plunging myself in the moment.

"Taylor. I started to be really scared. I knew what was waiting for me and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I knew it would destroy her and I was convinced she would hate me for it", I said weakly and glanced at her. Wrong idea.

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