Chapter 55 - Divergent

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"I don't understand why you're wearing a gift she made you while you two are on bad terms", Taylor grumbled and stopped at a red light, giving her the occasion to look at me.

"She gave me the only watches I own. And maybe it will help cut the tension a bit", I explained calmly and glanced at the watch on my wrist.

"I'll buy you so many watches that we'll need a new closet just to store them", she stated firmly and stepped on the gas, making the car take off at full speed. So great.

"I really like this car, babe", I blurted out and smirked in admiration at the sight of the speedometer. She was a true pilot.

"Oh no! Baby, I'm so sorry, I should've let you drive. I didn't think of asking you", she said frowning but kept her attention on the road.

"I wasn't saying that for that, Tay", I pointed out chuckling.

"Ashley, will you do me the privilege and the immense honor of driving us back home in this brand new Ferrari?", she asked in her most serious voice.

"I don't know if I can handle it", I said between giggles.

"This is just pure bullshit. Let me remind you that you drive a Lamborghini that's twice as big as this one", she retorted.

"Taylor, I will drive us home in your brand new Ferrari", I said composedly.

"Our!", she shouted furiously and I jolted up, startled by the sudden outburst. What was wrong with her?

"Why are you yelling at me?", I asked in a whiny tone and scooted against the window.

"Why are you distancing yourself from me?", she asked back.

"Because you're yelling at me", I said blankly.

"Because you're putting boundaries between what's yours and mine and this is not how our relationship works", she explained in a calm and caring tone.

"I didn't mean it like that, babe. I know we share everything", I said softly and scooted to move closer to her.

"Then why did you say it?", she asked and pouted a little. Oh no, I didn't want to upset her.

"Because it's initially your car but it doesn't mean I can't share it with you. You have your Range but it doesn't mean I never drive it, just like I have my Lambo that you can use whenever you want. We say yours and mine but it's not really like that", I tried to explain as I could.

"I'm very satisfied with your answer", she said and rolled down the window to press the interphone.

"And I'm glad we agree on the issue", I said truthfully and snickered amusedly at her reaction.

"You know what's nice with you?", she asked and spun around to look at me with her heart eyes.

"No", I mumbled, shaking my head, and focused on her beautiful eyes.

"You always try to find the right balance and to make us both happy", she said softly and flashed me her biggest grin, making my heart skip a beat.

The gate opened at the same time so Taylor looked forward but I kept my eyes on her, admiring her flawless profile and that jawline of hers that drove me insane. I only wanted the happiness of this beautiful creature and I'd give anything to make it happen.

"I'm happy as long as I make you happy, Taylor", I confessed in a low voice and unbuckled my belt as she came to a stop. I didn't make any move to get out. I just looked at her cutting the contact and spinning her body to face me with her cute little smile.

"What if I told you that I've never felt this happy before?", she asked, raising her eyebrows in curiosity, but there was an ounce of apprehension and vulnerability in her look.

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