Chapter 7 - A dream come true

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The weeks that followed our date had been amazing. Taylor and I kept on flirting and enjoying our time together. She literally drove me crazy.

Our making out sessions had become a habit. We weren’t officially together but we were acting as such, and my heart and mind were all hers already. We'd spend a lot of time at her house to enjoy the pool and our bond was growing more and more, just like my feelings for her. I could say for sure that this summer was the best of my life.

University was now a week away and Taylor and I needed to get ready for it. Therefore we decided to go shopping. For what? No idea. Just shopping. She made a list of all the places she wanted to check and said that we could potentially stop by random stores if their window display looked promising. Nice way to compromise, Taylor.

We left in the morning so that the stores wouldn’t be overcrowded. We made our way to the garage hand in hand and got in the car. She turned the radio on and started driving in the direction of the first store of her list: Victoria’s Secret. Of course she would pick it. And I was pretty certain she had thought her plan through. As the store would be empty she'd have all the time in the world to tease me with all her super sexy lingerie.

I was supposed to resist her, remember? Fuck! That sneaky little- My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Taylor’s hand on my inner thigh. I turned to look at her.

“Ash, are you okay? You seem upset”, she said while her eyes remained focused on the road. I slid my hand in hers and intertwined our fingers while I smiled at her.

“Yeah, I’m good, don’t worry. Just thinking about stuff. I’m glad we’re spending the day out together though”, I said softly and she started squealing and jumping on her seat.

“I know, right? It’s actually the first time we’re doing this. This is so exciting. We’re gonna have so much fun! But we should go out more often though, it feels like we spend our days inside instead of enjoying this amazing city”, she rambled as usual. I stroked her knuckles and smiled softly at her.

“I agree, maybe it would do us good. We could plan some fun activities from time to time or even go eat out."

“Oh my god, I have so many ideas already!”, she exclaimed.

“Yeah? Like what?”

“I can’t tell you”, she said shrugging and glanced at me with a serious expression.

“Excuse me?”, I scoffed in disbelief.

“Ashley, don’t make a big deal out of it. I just want to keep it to myself so I can surprise you.”

I turned my body quickly so that I was facing her and tucked my foot under my knee. As I observed her, I once again drooled over her beauty. Not only that, but her generosity and careness were extremely attractive. She really was the cutest.

“Do you wanna drive when we return? I know you love the car so I thought you’d enjoy it”, she smiled at me and came to a stop. We got out of the car and made our way towards the store.

“This is very nice of you, Tay, but I can’t drive it”, I said in a low voice to remain discreet.

“Oh, come on, don’t be a wimp. I know it's big but it's still a car.”

“It’s not about that. I would drive it if I had a licence”, she stopped walking and faced me.

“But you do have a licence. It’s in your wallet as we’re speaking”, she said while folding her arms, as if confronting me.

I sighed and brought my mouth to her ear so that no one would overhear something they weren’t supposed to.

“It’s a fake”, I whispered. Her mouth formed an O and she nodded, finally coming to realization that my double identity was more complex than what she'd expected.

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