Chapter 26 - Didn't ask for that

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*TRIGGER WARNING (Sexual assault)*

I could hear Taylor's voice calling my name while something was tickling my face. What was going on? I was sleeping right now! I needed to recover from my intense work out sessions, and for that I needed peace.

“Ashley”, Taylor whispered and kissed my cheek repeatedly but really softly. I groaned and tried to roll on my side to get her off me but she was holding my waist. “Baby I’m leaving”, she mumbled against my face and kissed me more firmly.

I opened my eyes slowly and smiled at Taylor. She was all ready to go and sporting a broad grin on her perfect face. She bent over to drop a swift kiss between my breasts.

“Hey”, I whispered and stretched my arms as I yawned.

“Hi love”, she said with a cute little smile.

“What time is it?”, I asked groggily and looked around to try and spot my phone.

“Time for me to go and for you to get up”, she answered softly. I groaned and sat up to lean my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly. “Linda is preparing your breakfast, so take all the time you want to get ready. And most importantly, don’t clean the table when you’re finished. Your clothes from Puerto Rico are in the closet in case you want to wear them but you can take my stuff if you prefer, you know I don’t mind. Your arm kit is ready in the bathroom with the spray. I prepared your set of keys, it’s in your purse with the garage and gate remote control and the key of the black Range. Your phone is charged and in your purse too”, she reeled off.

“I think you’ve reached a point where you can’t get more perfect”, I leaned back and smiled as she rolled her eyes playfully.

“Don’t talk too fast, baby”, she said and winked at me. She was planning something.

“It’s too early for guessing games”, I mumbled and kissed her cheek, making her laugh.

“I really need to go”, she said in a whiny tone.

I pouted but nodded, knowing she didn’t have a choice. She took my face in her hands and kissed me softly. She pulled away and kissed my forehead before getting up to grab her bag from the couch. Oh god, she was hot.

“You shouldn’t dress this sexy when I’m naked in your bed, Taylor”, I said while staring at her ass. I bit my lip at what I would do with it if she didn’t have to leave. She spun around smiling and walked in the direction of the door.

“One, thank you. Two, don’t tempt me and three, have a good day my love."

My heart fluttered at the nickname and I smiled brightly as I watched her disappear out of the room. I heard her heels clicking as she walked away. I yanked the cover off my body and got up to get ready. I heard rapid clicks resonating in the hallway and getting louder and louder. The door burst open. Taylor approached me hastily and smashed her lips on mine. She kissed me hungrily and squeezed my ass, making me release a soft moan in her mouth. She pulled away and pecked my lips one last time.

“You’re beautiful”, she said huskily and left quickly.

I shook my head and smiled goofily on my way to the bathroom. She was adorable. I turned the shower on and brushed my teeth while I let the water get warm. I washed my hair and body and dried myself with Taylor’s towel as mine was wrapped around my hair. I tied it around my chest and went to stand in front of the mirror where my arm kit was. There was a pink sticky note inside.

No battlefield, please
-Your babe

I snickered and threw it in the trash can. I did my arm routine and took care of my makeup. I was in the mood for something sophisticated. I wanted to feel pretty today. It would be nice if Taylor and I could go out for lunch or dinner. Since I needed to go eat breakfast, I didn't do my lips and quickly blow-dried my hair to speed up the process. I put everything away and walked into Taylor’s closet.

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