Chapter 59 - Brown

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"Look at you, all pimped up", Taylor said teasingly.

"Do you like me like this?", I asked and spun around to show her the whole result.

"Very much. I love it when you curl your hair", she said softly and pecked my lips.

"I know, which is why I did it", I said chuckling and set my purse on the counter to make sure I had everything.

"You still want to come back here after we pick her up?", she asked as she hugged my waist from behind.

"If Alexandra is okay with it then yes. We could have lunch together and be in a more intimate setting", I explained shrugging and spun around in her arms.

"It's a good thing we went grocery shopping", Taylor stated.

"We have drinks in the fridge?", I asked with a frown as I tried to remember what we'd bought.

"Champagne, water, fruit juice, and a bunch of sodas", she listed.

"Okay. Did we forget anything? We can go?", I asked and scanned the room to be sure everything was as it should be.

"You're forgetting something", she said blankly so I looked at her questioningly and cracked up when I saw her puckering her lips.

I giggled amusedly and leaned my head forward to crash my lips on Taylor's. Given the circumstances, we had to stop our making out session. We didn't want to be carried away, thus late to pick up Alexandra. Otherwise, Taylor wouldn't have minded taking me on the kitchen island. And I wouldn't have either.

"You're all set?", I asked as I connected my phone to the car.

"Yes, my love", she answered in a sweet singing tone, making me giggle in adoration.

"I've never seen a real prison", I blurted out.

"The closest experience I have to prison environment is Orange Is the New Black", she said chuckling.

"What's that? A movie you like?", I asked blankly and spun around to reverse the car out of the garage.

"It's a TV show not a movie", she pointed out.

"Oh! Okay. And what is it about? Except prison that is", I asked and stepped on the gas to start driving.

As expected, Taylor spent the whole fifteen-minute drive telling me about the show, the characters, the actors, how her mother was friends with some of them and so on. It sounded nice so I suggested we watched it together and she was over the moon. Nice job, Ash.

When we arrived in front of Alexandra's building, she was already waiting for us with a sports bag in one hand and her purse in the other. I opened the trunk for her. Contrary to Alicia, she didn't have any height problem so she managed to close it on her own.

"Thank God, you're alive! What was that about, Brooklyn? You can't just pass out without any warning, that's not fair", she rattled out frustratingly as soon as she climbed in the back.

"Good morning, Alexandra", I said amusedly and bent over the console to try and reach my purse at Taylor's feet.

"Don't do that baby, just tell me what you need", Taylor said softly and pushed me back gently to grab my purse.

"My sunglasses, please."

"Why did you scream like that? And how long did you stay out?", Alexandra asked in a panicked voice.

"None of your business and I don't know", I answered blankly and took my sunglasses from Taylor to put them on.

"I found it!", Taylor exclaimed proudly and pointed at the screen that displayed the itinerary to the prison facility.

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