Chapter 29 - Jacuzzi world

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Waking up this morning was delightful. It was Taylor and I's anniversary. My mood quickly changed when I didn't see her in the room though. I checked the time and frowned. It was 9am. She only started at 11am on Thursdays. She was meant to be in bed, making out and cuddling with me at the moment.

I sighed and got out of bed frustrated. I entered the bathroom and came to the conclusion that Taylor had used it. Her towel was damp, my arm kit was ready on the counter, the room smelled like her and there was mist on the shower glass. I shook my head and checked the closet. Her purse was missing, her underwear from last night were in the laundry basket and her favorite pair of heels was gone. It didn't make any sense. She knew I wanted to see her before she left for classes. And she always at least woke me and kissed me goodbye if I was sleeping. What was she doing? I sighed sadly and went to take a shower.

Maybe she had some work to do before her classes and had left early. That was the only plausible explanation. I could try to call her while I ate breakfast. I was in the mood for a nice look. It was my day too after all. I'd only see Taylor in the afternoon but I needed to feel hot and pretty. I had to boost my confidence if I wanted to be strong enough to try and have sex with Taylor. Key word was try. I was so scared to let her down.

Between my hair, my makeup, my arm and the time it took me to pick my outfit, I spent a good hour just getting ready. I went for light blue jeans, a fancy white sleeveless blouse that I tucked in a little, and beige heels. Simple but elegant. My makeup was on point and my hair down as usual. I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on the top of my head. I was up for having my breakfast outside and Taylor always repeated me how crucial it was to protect my eyes. Yes Madam.

I took my phone from the nightstand and sighed as I saw no text from Taylor. Way to make a woman grumpy in the morning. Did she forget? It couldn't be, we had talked about it last night. I sighed in frustration and made my way down slowly. I stopped at eleven. Way to go Ash! I exhaled loudly when I arrived downstairs and smiled in satisfaction. It was getting better.

I went to the kitchen but Linda wasn't there. I frowned and checked the laundry room, then the living room, but nothing. The house was empty. Maybe she was upstairs and I hadn't seen her. I walked further into the living room and gasped when I saw Taylor sitting in the bubble outside. I opened the patio door and stepped outside excitedly. She raised her head and grinned broadly when she saw me approaching. She stood up and met me halfway. She cupped my cheeks and smashed her lips on mine eagerly. I smiled but responded equally as I rested my hands on her waist. She pulled away slowly and dropped a last kiss on the corner of my lips.

"Happy anniversary baby", she said softly. I grinned and opened my eyes to meet her shiny blue ones. I had this tingly sensation running through my chest and my butterflies were on a roller coaster.

"Happy anniversary", I said above a whisper.

"You're so beautiful", we said at the same time. I laughed and Taylor rolled her eyes amusedly with a broad grin plastered on her face.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you!", she exclaimed excitedly.

"But you need to leave if you don't want to be late, Tay."

"I'm staying here. It's just you and me today", she said with her intense gaze activated.

"Are you sure?", I asked with a frown.

"It's not even open to discussion, Ashley. It's our day so we're spending it together", she stated firmly and flashed me her irresistible grin.

"I'm so glad", I said excitedly and kissed her cheek lovingly.

"Now close your eyes and let me guide you", she said softly with her signature move. I shook my head in disbelief and closed my eyes.

Taylor wrapped her arm around my waist and walked beside me as she guided me to her surprise. I really wanted to see though. I tried opening one eye a little but she caught me.

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