Chapter 9 - A gift, not gifts

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When we got home, I let myself fall on the couch from exhaustion. I released a not very sexy moan while one of my arms covered my eyes. One of my legs was dangling off the couch and my shirt had risen at my mid ribs, but I didn't even bother fixing it. I felt so good in that position. It was so relaxing.

I shut my eyes closed and entered my wonderland. Our of nowhere, soft lips came in contact with my belly and made me suck in a hard breath. She had never kissed me passed my chest before so the thrill of feeling her lips that low was exciting. But now was not the time. I opened my eyes to look at my beautiful girlfriend. She was kneeling next to the couch and grinning at my tired face.

"You drained me", I said groggily and chuckled.

"Trust me I didn't", she said seductively as she brought her lips back on my abdomen. She gently rested her hand on my stomach and let her fingers draw random patterns.

My butterflies were flying around like a tornado. I could feel electricity sparks everywhere she touched and kissed me. It did nothing good to my never-ending arousal, but it made me want to organize something special for Taylor. We had very little time left before going back to school, it would be a shame to spend it locked in. I knew she understood why I was safer at home, but she didn't deserve to be held back like this. I needed to make an effort and take her out more often.

I brought my hand to her hair and stoked it gently as I tried to think of something. I needed to take advantage of the few days that I had left of having her all to myself. I didn't overthink it though. I knew I would find an idea soon enough.

"Tay why don't we play your questions game?", I offered.

I knew she wouldn't say no and I really wanted to know what she had written down. She got up quickly and came back with her notebook. Perfect. She made herself comfortable by straddling me and sitting on my stomach. She flipped through the pages and smirked at me once she had found the right one.

"Are you ready?", she leaned down and dropped a peck on the tip of my nose.

"Just ask your questions", I said laughing and bringing my hand to her knee to stroke it softly. She looked down and read the first question.

"Why do you always smell so good?", she asked in all seriousness.

"I wear my mom's perfume so I guess it must come from that", I shrugged, not really understanding the point of this question.

"But this is very unique. I can't find it anywhere. Where did you get it?"

"I took it with me when I left Portland", her face softened for a while before she got serious again.

"Of all the things you could have brought with you, you went for perfume?", she asked frowning in confusion.

"It's the only thing I have left of her Tay", I said sadly. "After she died, Patrick sold all her belongings to buy booze", my repulsion was palpable and my fists clenched at the thought of him. Her eyes held so much sadness and disgust. She turned worried when she felt my fist clenching against her leg.

"Ash I didn't want to trigger old suffering. I'm sorry", she said softly as she placed her hand on top of my fist. It instantly calmed me down.

I really had to keep in mind that I wasn't there. I was here with Taylor, and as long as I was, I wasn't in danger.

"It's okay, you have the right to know", I whispered and pulled on her hand to kiss it. "What's your next question?"

She looked at her notes and read, "What is the closet episode?"

I took a deep breath and prepared myself. This would be a tough one.

"Well... Patrick locked me up in a closet and set it on fire", I gulped and looked attentively at her face to see it completely changing. I couldn't even read her. "It was the day he heard from his lady friend that I was gay. He said he wanted to teach me a lesson for humiliating my mom's memory."

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