Chapter 51 - Hustling

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"No Tay, we're not buying an earpiece or any weird listening device. You stay in the car and you let me deal with the bitch", I said sternly and took my pocket knife out of my purse.

"Wow, where do you think you're going with this?", she asked in panic as she tried to reach for it but I quickly hid it in my bra, trying to make sure it was well tucked.

"I can't find a proper place", I said frustratingly and looked around my breasts to see where it could fit well.

"Then don't take it", Taylor retorted in duh tone and plunged her hand in my shirt.

"Baby, I can't see with your hand in the middle", I said in a kind tone and grabbed it to remove it from my cleavage but she resisted.

"I don't feel comfortable knowing you have a weapon on you, Ashley. Especially a knife", she confessed worriedly so I looked at her and exhaled loudly at the sight of her frowning expression.

"Then what do I take? A hairbrush? Wait! I think I've got a pen somewhere, maybe I can thrust it in her eye if she annoys me", I said sarcastically and smiled at the sound of Taylor's laughter.

I looked back down and got back to rummaging through my boobs to see if they had a charitable spot for my tiny knife. Taylor's hand was still there so I moved it and made it hold my shirt to free my two hands, which made the work way more efficient. I could see clearer too.

"Ash, it won't fit in there. Your boobs are taking all the room already", she said casually and bent forward to look at what I was doing.

"What if I just put it here?", I asked as I tucked it right in the middle and removed my hands to let us see the result.

"It sticks out, she'll see through the shirt", Taylor observed as she let go of the shirt and nodded before pulling it back to open the field.

"I don't know, Tay", I said pouting and tried moving it to different places but we couldn't agree on anything.

"Okay, I got an idea", she said seriously and plunged her hand to remove the knife so I let her and observed what she was doing.

She pulled the sleeves of my shirt up, undid my watch and placed the knife on my forearm, asking me to hold it. She put the watch above it and tied it the most she could before letting go of everything. She was a genius.

"Does that hurt?", she asked softly.

"No", I said and shook my arm to see if it was steady. It didn't seem to move.

"Let me check that", she mumbled and pulled the sleeve down to hide the watch.

"Is it obvious?", I asked softly and lifted my arms to put them side by side.

"No, you're good. But it doesn't mean you need to use it, Ashley. I'm still against this", she said while pointing at my hidden knife.

"Then why did you help me?", I asked in confusion and rummaged through my bag to make sure I had everything with me.

"Because at least I know you can defend yourself", she explained in a low and caring tone.

"Tell me if I forget anything. Fake restraining order, fake but real pictures, bank papers, your phone, the contract, the knife", I listed counting on my fingers.

"My kiss", she added teasingly and pulled one of my fingers down. I looked at her amusedly and leaned forward to press my lips on hers, which she gladly welcomed.

"I wouldn't have forgotten about this", I mumbled against her lips and pecked her one last time before pulling away, soothed by the melodious sound of Taylor's laughter.

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