Tik Tok Peter

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Your foot tapped anxiously on the tile underneath the table. 

Mr. Harrison wanted to scold your elbow that was so rudely on the table, holding up your angry faced head, but held back a bit to see what was going on. 

The clock on the wall seemed to tick teasingly past 2:00. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. 

How could he do this, again? After so many promises? 

"Ms. (your last name), we need to begin. If you will." Mr. Harrison finally spoke, a dull smile on his face. 

"I don't think he's coming." Ned sighed, giving you a sad look. 

"Why did we expect any'ting different?" Abraham spoke, his thick accent showing clear agitation. The whole team looked down as Peter hadn't shown up. 

You reflected their disappointment, you knew what it was like to be let down by him, but he was their star for so long. You could see they were very unmotivated with out him. 

"Okay guys, so what? He didn't show up to practice. It's just once." You couldn't tell if you were trying to make them feel better, or yourself. 

"He didn't show up for D.C. either." Sally spoke back with a frown. 

"And we still won." You spoke up. "I know you are all disappointed. Hell, I am too. But sulking around won't bring him here, or us a closer step to next year's competition." You were trying your hardest to say what you wanted to believe. 

You didn't though, believe that is. How could he do this?


Five Hours Earlier 



My eyes squinted as something made a noise beside me. 


I opened them quickly, knowing now that it was my phone. I looked at my alarm clock, 9:00 AM?!

What was going on so damn early?


"Hello?" I asked a bit rudely into the phone, with out looking at the ID. 

"Is that any way to speak to me? I could have you neutered." A familiar voice spoke into the phone. 

My eyes opened wider now as I pulled the phone away from my ear and checked who it was. 


It read. 

"Oh my god, Happy!" I shouted too loud, jumping out of my bed. I flinched at my tone before peaking out of the door to make sure I didn't wake either May or Y/n. 

"Happy!" I whispered again as I closed my door softly. "W- what's up?" I tried to sound casual but it came out as squeaky and nervous. 

"Just calling to let you know, and this pains me to say, we had a good running." He sounded like he was busy. 

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows and sat at my desk. What did he need?

"I mean," He sighed. "It was a pleasure working with you while we did." 

I frowned and stopped spinning like a dufus. Was this the official "you're out" call? I really didn't want to deal with this all over again. I already knew. 

"I get it okay." I growled into the phone. "It's done. No need to spread it out." 

"I'm not saying it to make you feel bad, Kid. I'm being serious. You're a good kid. Go to college or something. Anyways, gotta run. I got moving day to worry about- hey put that down! That's worth more than you and I combined!" He yelled to something in the background. 

"Everything's gotta be out in an hour." He added. 

"Wait. You're moving? Who's moving?" I asked, my heart sinking any more than it was already. This would ruin my chances of proving myself back...

"Yeah, don't you watch the news? Tony sold Avengers Tower. We're relocating to a new facility upstate, where hopefully cell service is worse." I could nearly feel him roll his eyes. 

"But what about me?" My voice cracked with sorrow. 

"What about you? Did he not tell you? Do you still have your sui-"

"No I don't have my suit. He took it. I get that. But... what about if he changes his mind?" I was sounding like a child. 

"Peter..." He actually sounded like he was sympathizing with me. 

"I know." I stopped him, not wanting him to say anything else. 

"I'll see ya around kid. Hopefully not." He was back to his normal self. 

"See ya..." I stated before letting him hang up. Once the phone signaled he was gone, I let it fall to the ground as I covered my face over my hands.

Just like that, Spiderman was gone. 

Or so I thought. 


Another short chapter but hey, a little more action is coming back!

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