Chapter 1

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Isn't it amazing how our lives work out? How they're intertwined with not just your fate but, someone else's too?

I always wanted to be doctor, something about helping people made me feel good. It was a nice feeling knowing I can change someone's life. I'm glad that I'm through with my residency, I wanted to jump right into action help someone. I can't help but be enthusiastic about it. Most people think I'm crazy but, it's just my personality I suppose. My life has been quite normal, to say the least.

I'm an only child, my parents aren't together but, they're friends. I was the student with the perfect grades, I had a good number of friends around me, I've always had a good head on my shoulders. If you looked at me; I was exactly what you expected me to be on the outside.

I was heading over to the local coffee shop to meet Matthew. He had been a long time friend of mine, despite the fact he that he is a few years older than me. I met him my freshman year of college and the friendship went from there. He looked out for me. As I made my way into the place, memories of many nights came to mind as I waited inside the establishment.

Matthew wasn't there yet, which was expected.

As long as I've known that him he's always been reliable for his tendency to be late. As minutes pass by I grew impatient, I really shouldn't have but, for him being an hour thirty-six minutes and thirteen seconds late is almost unforgiveable. Just as I grabbed my things to leave. My dear old friend walked through the door.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm late. I got held up at a last minute meet with some board members." Matthew says, pulling me into his unexpected embrace causing me to be uneasy about the action.

"It's fine." I smiled sitting back down, into my previous seat obtaining the same position I once was in.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about Matthew?" I asked fiddling with the napkin dispenser on the old wooden table.

"All good things, all good news." He said eagerly. I know this version of him, either he won money at a Casino again or it's something life changing.

"Well..spit it out." I said bringing the coffee to my lips.

"I found you a job!" He says excitedly.

"Why?" I asked. "And where?" I sighed heavily.

"Come on, this is good. You know you need it. It'll be money in the bag for you." He smiled. He was right, I do need the job. I haven't been working since. Well, to be honest I don't remember the last time I worked.

"Or I can live off my dad forever." I joked but, to Matthew it wasn't funny.

"The job is simple and if you need any help you can ask me." He said with an indecisive tone.

"What do you mean ask you?" I said raising an eyebrow. Something isn't right I can sense the messed up situation already. He became aannoyingly quiet. "Where is this job?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"My hospital." He muttered.

"Are you kidding me? The last time I went there some poor kid bit me." I still have that scar on my right leg it caused me to get stitches.

"You went to the wrong unit. Not all of them are like that." He said with a calming tone. I sat there and thought of the proposal. "Come on, Lauren." He practically begged.

"Fine, it better pay good." I muttered.

"It does." Matthew smiled as he stood up and began walking away. For a breif moment he stopped and turned to face me.

"Oh, and Lauren. You start tomorrow." He smirked.

A/N : I hope you guys like this because it's legit a 50+ chapters.

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