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"Why won't mum let me stay alone" Hayley whines "because she wont. She's away all week next week and your staying here" Jake explains "will Ariana be here too" Hayley Asks "more than likely yes" Jake rolls his eyes making himself something to eat.

"Is she staying tonight" Hayley Asks "no" Jake replies "she needs to go home to her dogs" He responds "actually I don't know she might do" Jake shrugs.

"Hey why does Ariana get a key" Hayley pouts "because she does" Jake groans. "Annoying you by any chance" Ariana chuckles and he nods. "I'm bored" Hayley sighs.

"Your a 16 year old girl" Ariana says "says the one who's rich" Hayley says making Jake turn around to look at her. "Hayley don't be rude" Jake says. "You know I'm only trying to be nice. I don't have to be here when your here" Ariana says not liking the attitude of his sister.

"My mum wants to meet you" Ariana tells Jake. "Okay" he smiles kissing her lips. "Sorry about her" Jake rubs Ariana's back. "It's okay" Ariana replies looking in his fridge to see what he had to drink.

"I'm a 16 year old girl that knows the value of money" Hayley smirks. Ariana could feel Hake getting angry. "It's okay" Ariana takes his hand. "Hayley I wouldn't mind but you loved Ariana and now your being a bitch" Jake sighs "she's fucking slag she'll leave you soon" Hayley spits getting up and leaving the room.

Ariana sighs "ignore it" Ariana tells him. "She shouldn't be speaking to you that way" Jake says "and I've learnt to ignore it. I get hate every single day of my life" Ariana says looking up to his eyes. "And I meant what I said the other day about this being my last relationship. And if we split which I doubt and I do get with someone else I would be shocked" Ariana says making him hug her.

"She'll warm to me eventually" Ariana adds and he nods. "I know she will" Jake smiles kissing her lips.

"You know the other day" Ariana chuckles "yes" he asks "when your sister said you were fucking me" Ariana chuckles "we haven't even had sex yet" he says and Ariana nods.

"Hi you two" Sam smiles "can you please take your daughter away from me" Jake Asks "What's she done" Sam sighs "being annoyed at me and then being horrible to Ariana" Jake says and Sam sighs. "I'm sorry sweetheart" Sam says "it's okay" Ariana smiles.

"I was going to ask if you'll have her tv night but I won't now" she says "no mum I will. Sorry Ariana" Jake says "she's got to get used to me end of" Ariana says and Sam nods. "Okay" Sam says and Jake nods.

"Can you please get some WiFi" Hayley groans "Hayley" Sam says "hi mum" Hayley smiles "your staying the night. Be nice to Ariana please" Sam Asks and she nods.

"We have WiFi" Jake chuckles handing her the little card. "Thank you" Hayley smiles. "Can we get takeaway" Ariana Asks and Jake nods "don't see why not" he smiles kissing her head.

"Hayley" Jake Asks "yeah" Hayley Asks "if you were dating Shawn if you were older" he adds "and I didn't like him do you think I would act like you are" Jake Asks "don't be horrible about Shawn" Ariana says "I just know she likes him and was someone I could use" He tells her.

"Ariana should be dating Shawn not you anyways" Hayley says "why does everyone want me to be with him" Ariana rolls her eyes "Your with me end off" he tells her making her giggle. "I know" she smiles kissing his lips.

"What takeaway" Hayley Asks "is she picky" Ariana asks and Jake shakes his head. "Okay" Ariana thinks. They decided before ordering.

"Mum is everything okay" Ariana asks answering the phone. "Where are you?" Joan asks "Jakes" Ariana replies leaving the room. "Can I Come there" Joan asks making Ariana get really worried. "Do you want me to come home" Ariana asks "no I'll come to you if that's okay with Jake" Joan asks.

"Jake can my mum come here" Ariana asks and Jake nods. "Yeah that's fine I'll text you the address" Ariana replies "okay sweetheart" Joan says ending the phone.

Ariana puts her phone back in her pocket and walks back into the kitchen. "Is everything okay" Jake Asks "I don't know." Ariana sighs "it's like something's wrong" Ariana says.

Ariana gets the takeaway and pays handing it to Jake who went to dish it up. "Mum" Ariana says letting her in. "It's Frankie" Joan says "what about him" Ariana asks. "Have you eaten do you want anything" Ariana asks "only if there's spare" Joan says and Ariana looks in and nods.

"He told me not to worry you but he got into a fright." Joan says "how bad" Ariana Asks "not that bad but I need to go and see him." Joan says and Ariana nods "I can't come with you I have too much on" Ariana sighs "I know. He told me not to let you come" Joan says and Ariana nods.

Ariana takes her mum into the kitchen and grabs a plate and hands it to her. "Thank you" Joan smiles "hi Jake" Joan smiles "hi. I hope your son is okay" Jake says and Joan nods.

"Hayley you can come with us" Jake smiles making Hayley stand up and follow them all into the living room.

"Your mums nice" Jake smiles "she is if she knows you won't hurt me" Ariana laughs making him chuckle "come on let's go to bed" Ariana smiles and Jake nods. They both walks up to his room and Ariana smiles crawling into bed.

"At least get changed" Jake chuckles making Ariana climb off the bed and change into one of his top. Jake waits for her to get into bed and they cuddle together.

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