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"Mummy no" Ellie whines "its daddy now get up" he says making Ellie sit up before falling back to the bed and putting the sheets over her head. Jake groans. "Right what ever you can stay in bed all day and have no food" Jake says walking out the room.

"Baby what up" Ariana asks feeding her boy. "Ellie being a little brat" he groans.

Ariana walks into the me bedroom and sits next to Ellie. "Come on legs get you some food" Ariana says "no daddy said stay here" Ellie sniffs "all I wanted to do was sleep longer why is that bad" Ellie asks confused making Ariana's heart break. She had noticed it that ever since Mason was born he had become this really strict parents to Ellie.

"Why dont me and you get some food first and then go see grandma" Ariana suggests making Ellie nod. Ellie holds Ariana's leg making her chuckle slightly as she made her some toast. Ariana looks down to Ellie who was holding her stomach. "Baby girl" Ariana asks "I'm cold mummy" Ellie sniffs.

"Ariana what a nice surprise" Joan smiles letting her in with Ellie. "Hi grandma" Ellie smiles "hey my little angel how are you" Joan asks "daddy mean and Me sad" Ellie says making Ariana bend down to her and give her a hug. "Whats going on" Joan asks.

"Ever since Mason has been born he just screams at Ellie. I would just say he is tired but he doesn't wake up for the night feeds like i do. I may be angry more because I'm tired but not like Jake has been. She was tired this morning and he made her starve till i woke up. He has changed mum" Ariana says keeping her girl calm.

"Oh sweetheart" Joan pouts. "Ellie come on baby you can play here and make some noise" Ariana says making Ellie shake her head. "Ellie princess its okay" Ariana smiles kissing her head "okay mummy" Ellie runs off. "How do you feel about this" Joan asks "I don't know what to feel. Im confused still from lack of sleep and me being sick" Ariana shrugs.

"Mummy can I draw" Ellie asks "erm asks grandma where some paper is" Ariana smiles making Ellie nod before Ariana calls Jake. "Oh bad time" Ariana asks "no he just likes your boob more" Jake pouts "ill be home soon I promise" Ariana pouts "I love you princess" Jake smiles "I love you too" Ariana smiles.

Ellie walks into the house and Jake picks her up. Ellie squeals "go to your room" Jake says "b-but why" Ellie asks "just go" Jake says making Ellie slowly start to walk up to her room. Jake grabs Ariana's hand and pulls her with him. "I LOVE YOU" Ellie screams jumping into his arms making Jake smiles "me been mean to my baby girl lately so me need to reward you" he smiles pushing her now messy hair out of her face. Ariana smiles at two of her favourite people. Ellie slides down and picks her up her new teddy and runs off around the house.

Jake turns to Ariana and pulls her into a hug. "I love you" Jake kisses her head "I love you too" Ariana snuggles into him. "How you feeling" he asks "I'm feeling good apart from tired" she giggles  "how was mason" she asks "likes his mamas boob to much" he says making Ariana giggle "does this mean my boy is going to be hungry" Ariana asks and Jake nods kissing her lips before they go make sure Ellie is not injuring herself.

Ariana holds Mason while Ellie jumps around to some music on the tv. Ariana videos her smiling down to Mason who was cuddled into her.

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