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Ariana placed Mason to the floor as they walked into their home while Ellie ran to the couch picking up her ipad making both parent shake there head. "Im cooking tonight" Jake says "can we have date night" Ariana asks "sure  but it means we have to eat later" he says "thats fine with me." she giggles "but then i'm cooking the kids tea then okay" Ariana says "thats fine with me as long as I get to cook for you" he smiles making Ariana smile picking up Mason who was tugging on her jeans. "I think you need a nappy change come on" she smiles carrying him to his room and changing his bum.

Mason grabs his foot making Ariana smile at his little entertainment before standing him up and letting him lean against her as he babbles away to her. "thats a great story my boy" Ariana smiles placing him to the floor and taking his hand where he walked a few steps before falling to his bum. Ariana chuckles at him carrying him down the stairs before letting him crawl to his toys.

"was his nappy poop or wee" Jake asks "wee" Ariana smiles putting it in the bin before sitting down next to him and putting on a movie. "mummy it died" Ellie pouts handing her the ipad "okay mummy will charge it for morning since you can now spend some time with me and daddy and toys" Ariana says and Ellie nods snuggling next to her. "i have the best parents ever" Ellie cheers "why thank you princess" Jake and Ariana both say.

Jake looks down to his girls who had both fallen asleep cuddled into him. He grabs a quick photo before waking them. "its too late for naps you too" he says "okay" Ariana yawns letting Ellie wake up a little bit before going to make them something to eat since it was clear Ellie was tired.

"mummy can daddy bath me" Ellie asks "I'm sure he would if you asked him. I think he is bathing Mason right now go find him" Ariana smiles cutting up some ingredients.

"daddy" Ellie smiles "yes beautiful" Jake asks drying Mason with a towel before putting a nappy on him. "can you help me bath" Ellie asks "of course I can. let me clean the bath and run it and Ill help" he smiles kissing her head.

"you want to come help daddy pick out Masons pyjamas" Jake asks and Ellie nods following him. "this one daddy" Ellie holds up the blue baby grow and Jake nods getting Mason changed. Jake placed him im his play pen to play while he went to run Ellies bath and going to see how long he had "go pick out some pyjamas okay" Jake tells Ellie who nods while Jake gets out a towel for her.

Jake sits down with Ariana with the meal that he had prepared for them with some wine. Ariana smiles kissing his lips. "your so cute" she smiles as he lights a candle. "well you never gave me time for a good date night" he pouts "well then next time surprise me with date night" she smiles making him nod "I will" he says eating a bit of the meal.

Ariana giggles making Jake look at her "what"
he smiles "you have something" she point making him pout before Ariana leans across and kisses his lips wiping it off. "cutie" he coos filling his fork with some food and feeding her. Ariana smile taking it off him before she did the same to him before they feed each other toll they had finished. "i think date night was a success" Ariana says as Jake strokes her legs. "I think so too" he smiles "lets go watch a movie in bed" Jake says standing up. "but we need to clean" she says "okay lets clean the kitchen together" he says filling up the sink with some water and washing up liquid washing the plates  while Ariana cleaned the the counters making sure all the mess was cleared for morning since it was one thing she hated.

Jake wakes up to Ariana moving around in her sleep. "baby baby" he shakes her making her wake up screaming and jumping away from him. Jake climbs off the bed and helps her up rubbing her back as she focused on her breathing. "you hurt me in my nightmare" she sobs her heart out into his chest "shhh I would never lay a finger on you" he coos gently calming her down feeling her body relax under his grip. "I love you so fucking much" Ariana sniffs. "I love you too beautiful. come on lets get some sleep and we will talk tomorrow your shattered" Jake strokes her hair. "I need a wee" she says "go on then" he chuckles "please come" she asks making him nod following her to the toilet.

Ariana wipes and washes her hand before walking to get in bed Jake closely following her. They both crawl under the sheets and cuddle together. "I cant" she sniffs "shh baby, its okay if you want to stay awake we can" he rubs her back. "Im going to get a drink and check on the kids" she pouts "want me to come" he asks "urm Ill be okay" she pecks his lips before walking down the stairs and grabbing some water.

She walks up stairs after and into Masons room where he was sleeping holding his new teddy bear that they had got him today. Ariana quickly goes and grabs her phone and takes a photo of him before leaving him alone and going to Ellies room where she also was sleeping which they both should have been. Ariana creeps over to the bed and kisses her head before walking out and back to Jake. "feel better now" he asks and Ariana nods cuddling into him and falling back asleep.

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