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"Baby baby baby" Jake shakes her "what what what" Ariana giggles "we find out the gender today" Jake smiles "we do" Ariana smiles at his excitement. "Your lucky that I'm not annoyed you woke me" Ariana giggles sitting up and wrapping her arms around her husband. "Whats Ellie doing" Ariana asks "shes gone with your mum to the zoo. She came this morning snd Ellie really wanted to go. I'm sorry I didn't ask" Jake says "no no its okay. You like letting me sleep in and its cute" Ariana smiles kissing his soft lips. "I love you" Ariana smiles "I love you too" he holds her. "When this little baby comes along. I'm going to do my best to support you physically, mentally and emotionally. I know how hard it is going to be for you" Jake tells her "I know you will baby. You do everything for me. Possibly even more" Ariana says stroking his cheek. "I would sell my business for you" he tells her "no don't do that. Please don't" Ariana says "Im not going to because I can handle it from home now" Jake smiles.

"How long do we have" Ariana asks "about 3 hours" he smiles "mhm can you love me" Ariana asks "I sure can" he smiles kissing her lips laying her down.

"No Ellie today" the midwife asks "nope she wanted to go to the zoo with grandma" Ariana smiles laying down on the bed. "So what we hoping for" She asks "a boy" Jake smiles "what about you" she asks Ariana "a boy" Ariana smiles and she nods putting some gel on her stomach and bringing up the baby on the screen. "I cannot deal with another sassy Mini Ariana please tell me its a boy" he asks making Ariana giggle. "Its a boy" the midwife smiles "now I just need to turn him on my side and Jake will hate me" Ariana giggles "could never hate you" he smiles kissing her lips.

"Well heres a picture and see you at birth unless any problems" she smiles and Ariana nods standing up.

"Do you know when Ellie is home" Ariana asks and Jake shakes his head making Ariana nod climbing in the car and Jake drives them home.

"I hope Ellie is happy with a brother" Jake says "I think she will be" Ariana smiles "She never really said what she wanted just that she would be happy with either" Ariana shrugs making Jake nod placing his hand on her stomach while driving.

Ariana snaps a video of him saving it to her camera roll since they were driving. "I think that should be our confirmation and announcements" Jake chuckles "Im going to post a few in the same post since I have a lot of cute ones" Ariana smiles making Jake smile.

Ariana climbs out the car and unlocks the house. "COURTNEY" Ariana screams running over to her being careful of her stomach. "Your pregnant" Courtney asks taking the phone from her hand. "I am" Ariana smiles "whats the gender" she asks smiling to Jake. "A boy. Ellie is at the zoo if you wanted her" Ariana giggles "nope I wanted you" she smiles.

"Go have some girls time I'm okay" Jake says "no I look disgusting" Ariana says making both courtney and Jake roll their eyes. "Fine Ill leave you with each other while you have girls tome here then" he chuckles walking over to her and giving her a kiss and bending down to her tummy and kissing her bump. "Be nice to mummy while I work" he whispers "don't wake him up" Ariana says feeling him move around.

"Ellie will be bummed it a boy" Courtney says "probably but I don't know she hasn't said what she wanted" Ariana shrugs

"Mummy mummy" Ellie runs into the house and over to her. "What the fuck" Ariana asks picking up the bag with all the toys they bought from the zoo "mummy naughty word" Ellie gasps. "Sorry baby" Ariana kisses her head giving her a cuddle "wheres daddy mummy" Ellie asks confused as Jake was never far from Ariana. "He's working baby because he said mummy needed girls time with aunty Courtney" Ariana smiles "hi" Ellie smiles climbing over to giving her a hug.

"Mummy do I have a brother or sister" Ellie asks "a brother" Ariana says "more time with mummy yay" Ellie cheers making Ariana chuckle.

"What photos you posting" Jake asks "the one where Ellie looks at the baby on the screen and one where she kisses my belly. The one I took today where you had your hand on my tummy, the one where your in-between my legs kissing my tummy and speaking to him, an ultrasound picture and the one we took in the mirror kissing" Ariana smiles "thats a bloody lot of photos" he laughs making Ariana giggle. "I want a cute one to post" he pouts "you have loads" Ariana says writing a caption before posting it. The caption being "baby number 2 is due in 20 weeks. A baby boy. I can't wait for all the adventures that we will take you on. I also can't wait for the argument between me and your daddy as we fight over who's changing your nappies. 💕"

Jake scrolls through his camera roll and finds a cute one with All three of them in. "Hey why don't I have that one" Ariana asks as she looks at the photo where Ellie and Jake both kissed Ariana's stomach. "Hey I'm posting this one" he says making Ariana nods.

On Jakes post Ariana commented. "I fucking love you and our family so much and for all the little adventures we get up to." And on Ariana's post Jake commented. "More like the arguments about what this little boy is going to be wearing 😂" With an added commented of "I love you my girl ❤️"

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