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Ariana jumps off the bed and goes to her crying baby's rooms. "Mummy's here" Ariana gently bounces them. "Your nit hungry sweetheart you have just eaten" Ariana sighs lifting up her top to see if she would eat. Ellie spits her boob out and Arian checks her nappy.

"Oh baby girl" Ariana pouts gently swaying them. Jake comes into the room and looks at Ariana and takes Ellie. "Come on sweetheart its okay" Jake gently says making her scream even more. Ariana takes Ellie back and gets on the bed snd lays her on her side cuddled to her chest rubbing gentle circles to her back.

Ariana smiles as Ellie started to slowly calm down. Before she feels her nappy explode. "Baby go run me a bath for her" Ariana stands up. "I think someone had some tummy ache" Ariana pouts helping her into the bath. "Go clean out there baby ill sort her" Jake says and Ariana nods washing her hands before changing their bed and getting Ellie a clean nappy.

Ariana takes the clothes downstairs and puts them to soak before going up to the bathroom. Ariana takes a photo of them both with the time and the caption. "Who thought bath could be at stupid time"

Ariana helps Jake with the towel and takes Ellie. "Poor baby that must have been bad tummy ache do you thunk thats normal" Jake asks "ill call my mum" Ariana says grabbing her phone.

"Ariana its 3am what do you want" Joan groans "mum Ellie has just been crying for an hour and had such bad tummy ache it wen everywhere like everywhere when she pooped is that normal" Ariana asks placing Ellie down and putting a nappy on. "Whats she like now" Joan asks "not screaming and falling asleep" Ariana replies "then your baby just had some tummy ache its okay" Joan says "okay mum sorry I woke you goodnight I love you" Ariana says before ending the call and putting Ellie in the basket at the edge if the room not wanting ti put her too far away.

Ariana crawls into bed and closes her eyes. Within an hour she was up again to Ellie screaming. Ariana picks her up and sighs "baby" Ariana asks waking Jake up.

"Oh dear" Jake sits up taking Ellie from Ariana. "Maybe we should get her checked this doesn't seem normal" Jake pouts. Ariana gets on the bed and lifts up her top and feeds Ellie.

"Not even when she was first born were you both this tired" Sam notices how sleepily looking they both were.

"Why don't you twi go and sleep snd ill watch Ellie" Sam suggests "come on sweetheart" Jake says making Ariana give in and nod handing Ellie to Sam. "Ill take her to mine and ill give her a bottle and bring her back just before bed okay" Sam says and Ariana nods.

Ariana stands up and Jake and Ariana go up to bed. Ariana cuddles into Jake and they both close their eyes.

Jake smiles at his beautiful wife still asleep in his arms. Her head rested next to his shoulder her leg was tangled with his and her arm around his chest. He grabs his phone and scrolls though social media smiling at all the cute things were saying about then ignoring the negative.

He takes a photo of them both and saves it for late since he didn't want to post it now. He looks at the time and noticed they have both been asleep for 4 hours si he decided it was best to wake Ariana up.

"Ariana my beautiful queen" he gently stroke her cheek making her move slightly. "Come on princess" he whispers into her ear making her gently open her eyes and smile up to Jake. Jake leans down to her and kisses her lips.

Ariana cuddles more into him and Jake smiles. "Can we just stay and cuddle" Ariana asks "if you really want fo we can. Or i can run you a really nice bath and you can get clean" Jake asks "am i really that bad" Ariana pouts "no you had a shower yesterday i just know you like it when you get to have baths" Jake smiles "ill have a bath" she smiles and he nods going to run her one.

"Bubbles" he asks and Ariana nods "the rainbow one" Ariana giggles "child" he smiles before going back into the bathroom. Jakes comes back a few minutes later and picks Ariana up from the bed. "I cant wait ti loose this baby weight"Ariana pouts "the doctor said 2 more weeks because you can do anything but walk" he tells her placing her down and taking off her top. "I just feel fat" Ariana pouts "i know sweetheart but you also have to add that your eating more because your breastfeeding." Jake gently tells her. ariana nods her head climbing into the bath.

Jake left her to bath in peace before going downstairs and cleaning up a little bit.

Jake turns around and smiles "hi my little cutie" Jake smiles taking his little girls. "Is Ariana still asleep" Sam asks "no we slept for 4 hours and then cuddled and shes in the bath but she did say she was glad that she could get a nap" Jake smiles while making funny faces to Ellie.

"She should just have milk at bed and be fine but she could be different. You could give her Calpol since shes 2 months old" Sam says and Jake nods even though he knew he wouldn't since Ariana was sure she didn't want to give her calpol to early until they both defiantly knew she was old enough to give her calpol.

Jake says goodbye to his mum before going up to see Ariana. "Look who came to say hello" Jake smiles at Ariana sat on the bed with her laptop.

Ariana gasps "my baby girl" Ariana smiles taking her for a cuddle. "Your adorable what wrong wring with the outfit she had on" Ariana asks looking up to Jake. "Sick" Jake says and Ariana nods.

"Mummy's just been buying you so much because Mummy lives to spoil you so much" Ariana coos pushing her laptop away and having snuggle time with Jake and Ellie as a family because thats all they both wanted.

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