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"Mummy" Ellie smiles climbing onto the bed. "Baby" Ariana smiles kissing her cheek. "Good morning" Ariana smiles as she crawls into bed. "Is daddy working today" Ellie asks and Ariana nods "thats why he isn't in bed baby" Ariana pushes her hair out of her face.

"Come on baby lets get you some food" Ariana says and Ellie climbs off the bed as Ariana follows her down to the kitchen.  Ariana smiles at the note.

Ariana moves it from Ellies reach since she found it cute. "Mummy need to go shopping today" Ariana says "okay mummy" Ellie smiles sitting down. Ariana hands her a bowl of cereal before making her self a coffee.

"Mummy" Ellie pouts "yes" Ariana asks looking to her. "Its okay" Ariana grabs a cloth as she notices that she had spilt a little bit. "Mummy not mad" she asks "mo of course not. How could I be mad its only a little bit if milk" Ariana chuckles kissing her head.

"Did mummy like work yesterday" Ellie asks "I did it was fun but not as fun as being with you" Ariana tickles her before letting her finish her breakfast.

Ariana scrolls through her photos and found all her engagement photos.  She selected them all and posted them all to her instagram. With the caption. "Can I go back to this dad 🥰🥺❤️☺️"

"Come on lets get you changed messy" Ariana smiles making Ellie stand on the chair. "Ellie baby" Ariana picks her up. "Don't scare mummy like that" Ariana says "sorry mummy" Ellie holds onto her and Ariana carries her up to the room where he changed her into some jeans and a top before going to get changed her self.

Jake Jones liked your photo.
Jake Jones commented on your photo.

Ariana smiles at her screen picking up her phone and opening the photo.

Jake Jones: I love you 😭❤️

Ariana smiles at the comment before replying.

Arianagrande: I love you too ❤️🥰.

"Mummy" Ellie smiles "okay baby mummy will drive" Ariana chuckles reversing and turning her car around before driving to the shopping centre.

Ellie climbs out the car with her mothers help and holds Ariana's hand. "Come on then daddy keeps complaining we have no food" Ariana says making Ellie giggle. Ariana grabs a trolly and Ellie pouts. "Mummy hand" Ellie says "baby i need my hands you want to go in the trolly" Ariana asks and Ellie nods. Ariana lifts her into it and Ellie smiles standing up near her mother.

"I love you mummy" Ellie smiles "I love you too" Ariana smiles kissing her lips gently. "Mummy we need" Ellie says pointing "okay get it" Ariana say letting Ellie grab the cereal she liked.

Around the whole shop Ellie helped her mum shop for stuff they needed. "Ellie baby girl" Ariana gently taps her. Ellie opens her eyes and looks up to her mama. "Baby girl 5-10 more minutes at max and then you can sleep okay" Ariana asks and Ellie nods moving so Ariana could put a bag behind her. Once Ariana paid she pushed the trolly to the side and picked Ellie up. "Shh its okay" Ariana rubs her back pushing the trolly to the car and unpacking while Ellie was in her arms.

"Ill take that back for you" Ariana hears "its okay" Ariana turns around "no not you have your hands full" She smiles "thank you" Ariana smiles to the teenage girl before she left with the trolly.

Ariana placed Ellie gently in the car seat and fastened her in before driving them home. "Mummy no" Ellie whines "shhh" Ariana holds her sleepy girl. "Mummy place you in her bed make you feel any better" Ariana asks and Ellie nods. Ariana unlocks the door and carries Ellie to the bedroom and tucks her into the sheets before unpacking the food.

"Hey baby" Ariana smiles "hey" Jake smiles "wheres our little girl" Jake asks confused why the house was so silent at 2pm. "Shes sleeping" Ariana says "okay well Im going for a shower" he kisses Ariana's lips. "Shes in our bed" Ariana says and Jake nods leaving his wife doing washing.

"Mummy" Ellie smiles "have a nice nap" Ariana asks picking her girl up who was bring and smily. "Yes" Ellie smiles raising her hands where Ariana picked her up. "Its a good job I love you topicks you up everytime you want picking up." She adds.

"Daddy gone clean" Ellie says and Ariana nods.

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