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"Jake move" Ariana says before opening her eyes. She chuckles at her sleeping husband who has cuddled him self into Ariana. However this was making Ariana really uncomfortable so she had to wake him.

"baby" she taps hims making him wake up. "mhm" he asks "can you like not hold me how you are, your hurting me" Ariana asks and he nods letting her get comfy again. "how you feeling" she asks kissing his head. "a little better" he smiles. "I love you baby" she kisses his lips softly before he watched her fall off to sleep. He smiles at her cute adorable face before going back to sleep himself.

"mummy can I wake daddy" Ellie asks "sure princess" Ariana smiles feeding Mason as she had a coffee. She hears Ellie run up the stairs making her chuckle.

"daddy" Ellie jumps up and down on the bed making Jake look up to her. "Hey princess" he smiles pulling her down for a cuddle. "mummy said i could wake you" Ellie smiles kissing his cheek. "did you miss me" he asks and Ellie nods. "you give good cuddles" she giggles sitting up. "and mummy doesn't" he asks "your cuddles are different daddy" she smiles falling on to him kissing him. "come on lets get out of this bed and go down to mummy" he suggests and Ellie nods.

"morning beautiful" Jake smiles kissing Ariana's lips. "morning handsome" Ariana smiles "he's fallen asleep on your boob" Jake chuckles "I know, he isn't sucking so thats why he is still there" she replies liking a photo of her and Jake that a fan had posted.

"mummy" Ellie asks "yes my beautiful girl" she looks down to her. "can I watch tv" she asks and Ariana nods "you know where the remote is" Ariana smiles and Ellie nods running off.

"well let me put this boy down so I can talk with my wife" Jake says gently taking Mason away from her boob. Ariana smiles before Jake takes her hand leading her to sit down on a chair that was far enough away from Ellie where she wouldn't hear yet close enough to see her.

"what you want to talk about" Ariana asks "have you been having sex dreams" Jake asks making Ariana look at him. "erm" she pauses before nodding hiding her head into his chest. "oh princess don't be shy" he chuckles kissing her head. "how do you know" she asks "because you have been making slight moaning sounds in your sleep" he chuckles "thats so embarrassing" she moans into his chest. "so who was this person you were having sex dream about" he asks.

"well you see he is very handsome" Ariana says "oh is he" Jake smiles "he has 2 kids and owns a business" Ariana giggles "oh really" he asks making Ariana nods "he's 31 and I love him so very much" Ariana mumbles. "should I be worried. Is this man going to take my wife away" Jake asks making Ariana giggles "not unless you have a twin brother" Ariana pecks his lips. "I want to know more about this sex dreams" Jake says "noo baby" Ariana whines "your so shy I like it" he chuckles "have you had sex dreams before" he questions "no" Ariana pouts "not that I can think off" she giggles straddling him. "and your friend is awake" Ariana giggles kissing his lips before standing up and leaving him to sort his problem.

"hey cutie" Ariana smiles sitting next to Ellie "Hi mummy" Ellie smiles cuddling into her side. "is daddy okay" Ellie asks "yeah I think he just needed a wee" Ariana smiles kissing her head before watching what ever Ellie was watching.

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