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Ariana climbs off the bed leaving Jake to sleep. She walks down and makes her self some breakfast before sitting in front of the tv. Jake comes down and smiles at Ariana. "I thought you were having a few weeks off work" Jake Asks "Sorry" Ariana says "it's okay" Jake kisses her head.

"As long as you're not planning a new tour or album just yet" he tells her "no I need time. I want my next one to be really special and I want to get married before that" Ariana says and Jake nods sitting next to her.

Ariana smiles up to him placing her laptop down. "How did you sleep" Ariana Asks "like an angel" he smiles kissing her cheek covering her boob.

Ariana leans against him. "I'll have to be away from you for a night" Ariana pouts "and then we're spending the rest of our life together" he tells her and she nods.

"You two have a wedding to plan" Joan says "and" Ariana asks "it's cuddle time" Ariana says "I can see" Joan says "we're gonna do some later I think" Ariana shrugs making Joan nod.

"What you here for" Ariana asks "to drop off some food" Joan smiles and Ariana nods. "I'm traveling to see Frankie today so I won't be here for a while are you going to be okay" Joan Asks and Ariana nods "I'm a big girl" Ariana smiles getting off Jake to give her a hug.

"We haven't had sex in ages" Ariana says "I know" Jake says "you do love me" Ariana smiles "I know you've been tired lately and you wanted to rest. We also have a lot on during wedding planning and that tires us both out" Jake strokes her cheek. "And it's only been 2 weeks it's not that bad." Jake tells her "I love you" Ariana smiles.

"I love you too" Jake smiles pushing some of her hair behind her ear. Ariana rests her head on his shoulder. "You tired" Jake Asks and Ariana nods "you want to go up to bed" he asks and she shakes her head.

Jake chuckles moving them slightly and cuddling her. "Are you trying to make me go sleep" Ariana giggles. "Nope" he chuckles.

Ariana sits up and pins him down. "I want a baby" Ariana says sitting in him. "Okay do you want the responsibility of a baby" Jake Asks and Ariana nods. Jake pulls her down making Ariana whine. "Don't you want to get married first" Jake Asks "but that's three months away and it can take that long to try for a baby" Ariana says "and what happens if you get pregnant and your upset because you can't fit in the Wedding dress you have and don't lie I already know you have it" Jake tells her. "One month before our wedding we can try" he suggests and Ariana nods.

Ariana stands up and looks back down to Jake "I'm going to cook any requests" Ariana asks "no make me what you want as long as it's nice" he smiles and Ariana nods.

Ariana began to cook for them both and Jake watches her from the door before walking over to her and lifting her her jumper to place his hands on her stomach.

Ariana smiles. "Hi" she giggles making him kiss her head. "What you making" he asks "curry" she smiles looking to him. "But if you want to eat you have to let go of me" Ariana giggles making him let go of her and let her get back to cooking for them both.

"Your sisters at the gate" Ariana says "okay I'll go and let her in" Jake says standing up and heading down to his sister.

"Mum brought a man back and I didn't like him can I stay here" Hayley Asks "I don't see why not it's Ariana's house you'll have to ask her" Jake says "you live here though" Hayley Asks "she still owns it" Jake chuckles.

"Hey Ari" Hayley smiles "hey" Ariana smiles "do I need to make even more now" Ariana pouts "no I've eaten" Hayley says and Ariana nods.

"Can I stay here" Hayley Asks "sure you can. You have your own bedroom here" Ariana smiles and Hayley nods walking to her room.

Ariana dishes up here's and Jake meal before sitting down with him.

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